Deputy head of Iraq's Anbar province wounded in mortar attack

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A senior Iraqi provincial official was lightly wounded in a mortar attack on Thursday as he inspected troops fighting Islamic State militants, his bodyguard and another local official said. The attack on Falih al-Issawi, deputy head of the provincial council of Iraq's western Anbar governorate, took place in the Humeira area south of Anbar's capital Ramadi, which was overrun by insurgents in May. Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi vowed to retake Ramadi "within days" of its fall, but fighting had progressed fitfully in Anbar, most of which is under the control of Islamic State. The campaign was initially aimed at recapturing Ramadi but then shifted east to break the militants' 20-month grip on the city of Falluja and secure supply lines from Baghdad. Fighting between Islamic State and Iraqi forces is also ongoing in the northern refinery city of Baiji. Issawi was escorted back to Habbaniya base. (Reporting by Baghdad bureau; Writing by Isabel Coles; Editing by Alison Williams)