Desi Lydic Channels Lesley Stahl To Call Marjorie Taylor Greene A Few More Names

Daily Show” correspondent Desi Lydic picked up where Lesley Stahl left off in her interview with far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) on “60 Minutes.” (Watch the video below.)

Splicing in a segment Monday where Stahl listed insulting names that Greene has been called, Lydic added many more while Greene appeared to not care.

Which was pretty big of “Nazi wine mom,” “can-I-speak-to-the-manager-Barbie,” and “low-IQAnon.”

The real Stahl and the CBS news show were criticized for giving Greene’s extremism a mainstream platform and for not pushing back against her outrageous claim that Democrats are pedophiles for supporting transgender rights.

But Lydic gets props for giving critics of the lawmaker some brutal-yet-funny Greene nicknames to add to their arsenal.
