Desmond Tan reveals wife underwent emergency c-section, talks 'magical' connection with baby girl

The local actor shared about the 'mix of worry and excitement' that he felt on the day his daughter was born.

Local actor Desmond Tan said the connection with his baby girl was magical, and
Local actor Desmond Tan said the connection with his baby girl was magical, and "time stood still" as he held her for the first time. PHOTO: Instagram/thedesmondtan, TCA

Local actor Desmond Tan welcomed his baby girl on 5 March, but there was a slight hiccup as his wife had to undergo an emergency c-section. According to Tan, “things happened really fast” when they made that decision.

“Before I could collect my emotions and thoughts, I was escorted to the operating theatre for the procedure. It was a mix of worry for the safety of both my wife and daughter, yet excitement to meet my little one,” the 37-year-old told Yahoo Southeast Asia via text.

Tan shared the news on his Instagram the following day. In a separate statement shared by his manager last Wednesday, he said that his daughter arrived “after a long labour of 26 hours” and he felt “immense relief” that both mother and daughter are doing well.

The actor was in the delivery room with his wife but all he could do was “to give my full support to my wife the whole time, and pray that she was in good hands with the medical professionals”.

What was it like for Desmond Tan to hold his daughter for the first time?

When asked what it was like to hold his daughter for the first time, he told Yahoo, “My world changed in the blink of an eye. The connection was magical; it felt like an extension of my life unfolding with each touch.”

He added, “Time stood still, the world became quiet, and the bond between the three of us formed instantly when we were in the ward.”

After his wife and baby were discharged, the actor said he “dived back into meetings, events, and shoots”.

Though he will resume filming proper in April, he said that right now, “the priority is to make sure the family is settled in with the new dynamics at home”.

Tan also declined to reveal the name of his baby, but said that she has been officially named and registering it was a “core memory”.

He said, “Spelling her name both in English and Chinese on an official document felt surreal. Seeing her NRIC number on the birth certificate was an amazing feeling!”

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