Details on the Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z special edition package

Ninja Gaiden fans may be excited about Tecmo Koei’s upcoming Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z, a comic-book-style take on the famously-challenging third-person action franchise. But the truly hardcore Ninja Gaiden fans out there may also be interested in this:


That’s the game’s special edition, which will be available to both PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers once Yaiba launches on March 21. As you can see, it comes with a full-color comic book from Dark Horse comics, some DLC costumes for Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, and a download voucher for the game soundtrack. There’s no word yet on what all this is going to cost, but Tecmo Koei says the special edition will be available wherever copies of the game are being sold (although supplies are limited).

Not sure whether you’re interested? Check out this gameplay video and the game’s E3 trailer below. But be warned: this stuff is gory, profane, and not safe for work (or for the squeamish). Even if it is cel-shaded.

The post Details on the Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z special edition package appeared first on Games in Asia.

The post Details on the Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z special edition package appeared first on Games in Asia.