'Distressed' naked boy in pharmacy sparks police appeal

Entrance to Badham Pharmcy with cars parked outside shops in the distance.
Police are concerned about the child's welfare after several concerning incidents [Google]

A 'distressed' naked boy entered a pharmacy and started urinating in the store, police said.

A man outside Badham Pharmacy on Morley Avenue, Churchdown, Gloucestershire, on Tuesday 11 June appeared to be looking for the child, who is believed to be 10. He confirmed he knew the boy before leading him away.

Days later, the same child reportedly entered a stranger's home in the Churchdown area, and started undressing again.

"Officers want to check on the welfare of the child, who appeared to be in distress when he entered the pharmacy," a Gloucestershire Police spokesperson said.

It was reported that there were several people inside the pharmacy, and police are keen to hear from them, or from anyone who believes they know who the child is.

The child, who has been described as white, entered a house five days later on Sunday 16 June.

He went inside the property where he then proceeded to undress, police confirmed. The occupiers of the house did not know him and he left before anyone could check on his welfare.

"Enquiries have been ongoing, including checks with partner agencies, and police are now appealing for anybody with information to come forward," a police spokesperson added.

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