Donald Trump buys 30 milkshakes at Atlanta Chick-fil-A, claims to know menu better than employees

Former president, presumptive 2024 GOP candidate and fast food lover Donald Trump stopped by an Atlanta Chick-fil-A on Wednesday, where he reportedly ordered 30 milkshakes and gave them out to patrons in an apparent attempt to woo local voters.

The 77-year-old right-winger made his lunchtime visit en route to a fundraiser, according to local station 11Alive.

“Hello everybody,” Trump said while approaching the counter and paying compliments to the staff. He then asked a cashier what the day’s specialty was before claiming to be very familiar with Chick-fil-A’s offerings.

“I know this menu better than you do,” he told workers. “I probably know it better than anybody in here.”

The 45th president’s relationship with fast food is well-documented. While in the White House, he served McDonald’s and Chick-fil-A to college championship sports teams that came to visit. He’s also been known to eat KFC from a bucket on his private plane.

Trump claimed the owner of the Chick-fil-A he visited on Wednesday is a member at one of his golf clubs. However, according to 11Alive, the eatery’s owner said he doesn’t know the former president.

A video of a Black woman embracing Trump at the Chick-fil-A also went viral.

“I don’t care what the media tells you, Mr. Trump,” she said. “We support you!”

The Republican leader has worked to wrestle the support of Black voters away from President Joe Biden, whom he faces in November’s election.

“Maybe its just a bad habit when you vote for a Democrat,” Trump said during an interview on Monday. “Jewish people, by habit, they vote for the Democrats. And Black people, by habit, vote for the Democrats.”

A Pew Research Poll published Tuesday indicates a lower percentage of Black voters support the Republican party than they did 30 years ago. The poll didn’t single out Trump personally.

Trump faces criminal charges in Georgia for his efforts to overturn the 2020 election. He claimed in February that after being arrested on those charges, Black voters identified with him because he had a mugshot taken.

“A lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m discriminated against,” the billionaire businessman said.

Trump is the first Republican presidential candidate to lose in Georgia since 1992. The Democratic party also won both of Georgia’s Senate seats against candidates he supported.

The former New Yorker will be in lower Manhattan next week to face criminal charges related to allegations he paid a porn star to keep silent about an alleged affair they had in Utah. He denies any wrongdoing.
