Donald Trump’s Latest ‘Relentlessly Stupid' Ramble Attracts One Hell Of A Fact Check

Donald Trump’s weird campaign rally tangent about magnets attracted mockery on social media.

The Republican 2024 front-runner on Friday complained to a crowd of supporters in Mason City, Iowa, about electric catapults and magnetic elevator systems for U.S. aircraft carriers.

The four-times-indicted former president polarized with this line: “All I know about magnets is this, give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets, that’s the end of the magnets.”

On X (née Twitter), a video that was shared of Trump’s comment was fact-checked with a community note.

“Magnets work underwater and are not affected by water. Magnetic fields are not the same as electrical circuits,” read the reader-contributed context.

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell called Trump’s comment “relentlessly stupid.”

Other critics agreed:
