Dr. Oz Throws Trump Under Bus, Says He Would Have Certified Biden's Election

Donald Trump isn’t going to like this, but Dr. Mehmet Oz admits he would have approved certifying Joe Biden as president had he been in office in 2021.

Although the former president pushed Oz towards running for the Pennsylvania Senate seat that previously belonged to outgoing Republican Pat Toomey, Oz apparently doesn’t believe Trump’s “big lie” that the 2020 election was stolen.

During an interview with NBC’s Vaughn Hillyard, the former TV Doc and rumored New Jersey resident said that if he had been in office when the election was certified, he wouldn’t have objected to the congressional process that made Biden president.

“I would not have objected to it. By the time the delegates & those reports were sent to the U.S. Senate, our job was to approve it, which is what I would have done,” Oz said.

However, Oz also said hewouldn’t have voted to impeach Trump had he been in office for the former president’s second impeachment trial, which was for“inciting an insurrection.”

“I would not have voted in favor of impeaching President Trump. I think the President was already leaving office by then,” Oz told Hillyard.

Although some voters might give Oz credit for candor, his comments could come back to hurt him with Trump, whose major litmus test, Raw Story notes, is whether they back him as the 2020 winner.

The news website also noted that Oz seemed unfamiliar with the impeachment process: Only members of Congress vote on impeachment. If Oz had been Senator at the time of the certification, he would have only voted whether or not to hear witnesses in the trial, or if he wanted to acquit Trump.

Some Twitter users on both sides suspect Oz’ admission could cause him problems with both Trump and Trump followers ― especially since Dr. Oz made the remarks just a couple of days after the former president campaigned for him in Pennsylvania.

Trump has not commented on Oz’ admission as of Tuesday afternoon.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
