Drinking Black Coffee Makes You a Psychopath?

We all have our own favourite way, when it comes to drinking coffee. But did you ever consider you could be a psychopath because you drink your coffee black? Well, I didn’t either, but psychology researchers at the university of Innsbruck in Austria have figured out so much recently.

After testing over 1000 people, a result of the study suggests that there is a strong link between the taste for bitter foods (including black coffee) and ‘malevolent personality traits’. Does it make you a psychopath? Probably not – however the link is interesting. The psychology researchers found out that people who favour bitter tastes, such as coffee, were likely to be vain, sadistic and enjoy manipulating and hurting others.

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black coffee
black coffee

Similar testes in the past have provided very different results. LA-baded psychologist Ramani Durvasula had concluded not too long ago that if you prefer your coffee black, there was a high chance that you were a purist with character traits, such as patience and efficiency, while your flaws were most likely to be moodiness and inflexibility. What to make of it?

Here is a longer list of what you coffee says about you.

Black Coffee

You tend to be ‘Old School’ and a kind of purist.

+ You keep things simple, while always remaining patient and efficient in essence.

– Quiet and moody, abrupt and dismissive, resistant to making changes – that’s what you are. You also have a sort set of your own way.

Latte (Coffee with Milk/ Cream and Sugar)

You are a total comfort seeker, people pleaser, an open book to all around you and you love to make life less bitter.

+ You are generous with time and go out of your way to help others. So nice!

– You tend to get overextended, while not always taking good care of yourself.

Frozen or Blended Coffee Drinks

You love all things new, you are a trendsetter and are socially bold. You are out there!

+ You are childlike, spontaneous and imaginative all in one. You simply love to play.

– A quick fix is enough for you, while not making really healthy choices. You are reckless.


You probably consider yourself to be a very creative person.

+ Besides being creative, you are also honest and self-motivated.

– With all that creativity in you, there is a tendency that you are all over the place. Being organised is unfortunately not amongst your strengths.

Decaf or Soy Milk (Speciality Coffee Type)

You are very aware of your body and health, but you are also a control freak, possibly selfish, obsessive and a perfectionist. How about that?

+ You watch your health and make your choices accordingly.

– Strong focus on rules, control and order, while being sensitive and worried.

Instant Coffee

You take it easy and procrastinate where you can. But there are some very traditional ways in you.

+ Details are not really your main concern. Hence, you take life as it comes.

– Perhaps too relaxed. Planning isn’t your strong side – nor are your basic health needs.

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