Drunk man who beat up taxi driver jailed 12 weeks

Singapore state courts (Yahoo News Singapore file photo)
Singapore state courts (Yahoo News Singapore file photo)

A man who punched and kicked a taxi driver while the latter was driving was jailed 12 weeks on Wednesday (4 July).

Harun Hassan, 47, pleaded guilty in the State Courts to one charge of causing hurt to the driver. Another charge of committing mischief by kicking and damaging the side mirror of the taxi was taken into consideration.

Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) Zhuo Wenzhao told the court that Harun, his 49-year-old girlfriend, and an unknown man boarded the taxi driven by Seow Ee Chang along Corporation Drive at about 12.30am on 1 January this year.

Harun, who was sitting at the back seat with his girlfriend, was heavily intoxicated and behaved rowdily while in the taxi, said DPP Zhuo. He punched Seow, 68, on the face and kicked his left shoulder even though Seow was driving at the time.

Harun subsequently got into an argument with his girlfriend. When they reached their destination along Lorong 217 Geylang Road, she walked away from the taxi.

After alighting, Harun kicked the front left door of the taxi and break the right mirror. He then opened the driver’s door and punched Seow on the chest and stomach a few times.

Seow managed to run out of the taxi before calling the police. He was conveyed to hospital and was given three days’ medical leave.

Harun had risked the lives of the driver and passengers, said DPP Zhuo, who asked for at least 12 weeks’ jail.

Harun, who was unrepresented, told the court through an interpreter that he had compensated Seow to cover the $324 worth of damage to the taxi.

For causing hurt, Harun could have been jailed up to two years, or fined up to $5,000, or both.