EastEnders confirms new Mitchell secret in early iPlayer release

EastEnders confirms new Mitchell secret in early iPlayer release

EastEnders spoilers follow for the latest episode, which is available to stream on BBC iPlayer now but will not air on TV until Friday (June 28).

EastEnders has confirmed a brand-new Mitchell family secret in the show’s latest episode.

Billy was shocked when Stevie dropped a bombshell and told him that mysterious new character Teddy was in fact his half-brother.

In the latest episode, Billy struggled to accept the news that Stevie had another family, while Teddy was determined to find out who put his dad in the hospital.

The entire family, including Teddy’s sons Harry and Barney, went to Phil’s house to sort things out, and Stevie explained that he had a fling with Teddy’s mum back in the day.

billy mitchell, stevie mitchell, eastenders

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Billy stormed out, and Teddy encouraged his father to talk things out with him and build bridges.

Stevie apologised to Billy for everything, but he revealed that he had been with Teddy for over 20 years, which left Billy furious that Teddy hadn’t been around for him and his kids.

Billy refused to listen to his dad and told Stevie that he wanted him and his family to leave immediately.

Meanwhile back at the house, Phil also demanded that the new Mitchells leave, and tensions rose between him and Teddy.

teddy and phil mitchell in eastenders
Jack Barnes/Kieron McCarron - BBC

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As Teddy accused Phil of putting injuring his dad, Will stood up and confessed to everyone that he stole the charity money and put Stevie in hospital.

Will explained his blackmail ordeal, and the family apologised to Stevie for believing he was the culprit, while Teddy told Will that he held no grudge against him.

Billy was still struggling following the dramatic day, but things were put into perspective following a candid chat with Junior.

He returned to the house and offered Teddy an olive branch, with the two brothers sharing a sweet moment, to the delight of Stevie.

billy mitchell, stevie mitchell, eastenders

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The Mitchell clan were in high spirits after ordering a takeaway, but as the rest of the family tucked in to pizza, Teddy had a quiet word with Stevie about the day’s events.

"Why did you tell him mum was just a fling?" he said. "Whatever you’re hiding, it’ll come out in the end."

Just what is Stevie hiding, and what is the truth about Teddy’s mum?

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer, where most episodes drop early at 6am ahead of their TV broadcast.

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