EastEnders - every Christmas 2023 spoiler announced so far

EastEnders spoilers follow.

EastEnders has had a year to remember, and the early signs are suggesting that the Christmas episodes could be equally memorable.

With cast promising that this will be "one of the best Christmases" they have ever done, it's fair to say that fans can can expect maximum drama on Christmas Day as we finally find out just who has lost their life, and why. And there's plenty more to be excited about as well.

With announcements and spoilers dropping thick and fast over the past few weeks, we've gathered all the major details in one place.

1. The potential death victims will be narrowed down

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getty images - BBC

We've waited and waited but the end is now very clearly in sight when it comes to that nine-month mystery over who will meet their maker on Christmas Day.

The closing moments of a game-changing episode back in February saw matriarchs Stacey, Sharon, Linda, Denise, Suki and Kathy all come together for a pub lock-in, before the scenes time-jumped to Christmas Day 2023 – where they were faced with a dead body.

Currently, the pool is wide open in the male cast in terms of who was wearing those cufflinks and who the unlucky victim will be, but show boss Chris Clenshaw has confirmed it won't stay that way for long.

When asked by Digital Spy if the suspects would be narrowed down by Christmas, Clenshaw said: "I think at the moment it really could be any of them, couldn't it? It could be any man in Walford. But as we head towards Christmas, it will become apparent and it will become very clear who the potential body is – not who the body actually is, but who the potential ones we're looking at are and the ones that it could be.

"So yes, you're right in terms of it will be narrowed down – it will be clear who it could be from a small number of people. At the moment it literally could be anyone from Winston to Grant, let's say, but it will become more apparent on who the potential, or the potential bodies are, yes."

'The Six' begin

eastenders stacey linda suki kathy denise sharon

They've been labelled The Six since the flash forward scene, but as fans know, Stacey, Denise, Sharon, Linda, Kathy and Suki currently don't interact collectively as a group on screen.

That is all set to change, though, following the shocking events of Christmas – and the aftermath will see them become The Six from then onwards.

"There's obviously The Six and the six women and all of their stories will build up towards Christmas", he said. But what is quite interesting, even though they're called like The Six, which is something that I just referred to them as when we were planning this story in the beginning...

"I think it was in the first meeting I called with the women to tell them about the story, rather than calling them by their names we called them The Six, and then these things just start – but they're not The Six at the moment. They only really become The Six from Christmas and from the huge consequence of what happens at Christmas. Each of those women will become The Six from Christmas Day onwards."

Linda's new ordeal

linda carter, eastenders

Linda's story will be one to watch over the festive season, as she faces a harrowing battle against rapist Dean.

Dean's ongoing presence will lead to devastating consequences for Linda in the lead-up to Christmas, meaning it's no surprise that Dean has been confirmed as one of the potentials for the Christmas body.

Teasing Linda's Christmas storyline, Kellie Bright – who plays her – said: "For me, when I have a big storyline, I still get a nervous tummy and butterflies. I really want it to be great, and I know I have to deliver. I am excited to be working with the other five women and doing some really good, juicy stuff with them. I love the fact that we've had this secret building on the show for the whole year, and it's really clever.

"I love the fact that I am part of something that hasn't been done before, so I'm really embracing that. I feel like I'm at the foot of the mountain, about to set off for the climb, and although I know it'll be magnificent at the top, it's still a climb to get there."

Jack and Denise are torn apart


Jack and Denise haven't had the easiest of years, but things are set to get a whole lot more complicated for them.

Denise risked everything when she was tempted by Walford bad boy Ravi back in February, and her relationship with Jack hasn't been the same since.

This Christmas will see the couple rocked by another affair scandal, and our money is on Jack staying this time.

"I think Denise and Jack's marriage has been on the rocks for the best part of this year since her kind of affair with Ravi and since she went to the hotel with him", Clenshaw said. "There is going to be trouble for this couple as well. There is going to be an infidelity in the lead up to Christmas but I'm not going to say who, which one of them or who with."

Sharon and Keanu's wedding

keanu taylor, sharon watts, eastenders

Wedding bells will ring for Sheanu this Christmas, but with so many lies between them, it's clear there's no happy ending on the horizon here.

Sharon's life was turned upside down last week when she learned that Phil was the biological father of her son Albie, not Keanu.

Having made the decision not to share this with either party for now, Sharon will wrestle with her guilt over this in the coming weeks.

However, that's not the only secret posing a threat to their happiness, as Keanu is hiding the fact he staged Albie's kidnap earlier this month.

Paparazzi pictures recently saw Letitia Dean and Danny Walters, who plays Sharon and Keanu, preparing to film the wedding scenes on location. But with plenty more twists still to come, will they actually make it down the aisle?

Phil's secret exposed

kat moon, phil mitchell, eastenders

Sharon might be keeping Phil in the dark about his connection to Albie, but he's been no angel recently, either.

Viewers know that Phil cheated on new wife Kat in the days leading up to their wedding, before manipulating both Alfie and Keanu into keeping quiet over his scandalous secret.

It won't be stay that way for long though, as it's already been confirmed that Phil's lies will be exposed – and what better time than at Christmas?

"Things in Walford don't stay secret forever, do they?", Clenshaw teased. "While Kat is happily married, Phil slept with Emma and Alfie knows about it. You can expect fireworks when that's revealed – and it will be revealed."

Festive drama for the Beales

cindy beale, ian beale, kathy beale, rocky, peter beale, eastenders

A big Christmas for the Beale family has been promised ever since they returned to the show back in June, and if we're honest, we wouldn't expect anything less.

The Beales will be taking centre stage during the festive episodes, with Kathy having already been name-checked as one character to be keeping a close eye on.

Kathy has been left devastated by the recent fire at the cafe, which left her grandsons Peter and Bobby fighting for their lives. She currently has no idea that her husband Rocky was actually responsible, having decided to commit arson as a way to combat his mounting debts.

With Brian Conley due to bow out of his role as Rocky before the end of the year, Kathy's world will come crashing down long before she has a chance to carve her turkey.

And with Ian and Cindy at the forefront of more festive drama too, we can't see it being a particularly merry Christmas happening in the Beale household this year.

Lauren and Penny's return

eastenders penny and lauren branning

As previously confirmed, Lauren will be making her way back to Walford in the New Year – and she'll be joined by cousin Penny (now played by Kitty Castledine), who is the estranged daughter of Jack.

Jacqueline Jossa has reprised her role as Lauren, having previously made brief appearances for Dot's funeral last year and in a special Beale episode back in the summer.

Lauren's return story will involve her being arrested by airport security, after a sniffer dog finds some sort of substance in her bag.

Speaking about Lauren's return, Clenshaw said: "She was briefly here for Dot's funeral, but she hasn't really been back on the Square since Abi died after falling off The Vic roof. It's not going to be easy for Lauren when she returns. She also doesn't know that she has a sister living in The Vic. "

More returns

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Lauren and Penny may not be the only characters fans will be reintroduced too, as more returns have been confirmed for the show's New Year episode.

"We have some episodes after Christmas before New Year, which will be dealing with the aftermath of Christmas", Clenshaw said. "And then our New Year's episode, we actually do have a different story, where we will not only be seeing some returning characters, but we will also meet some new characters."

Whitney and Zack's Christmas miracle

whitney dean, zack hudson,eastenders

Amid all the usual misery, there is some light in the dark as a happier festive story has been confirmed for Whitney and Zack.

After a devastating year, the couple will be met with a Christmas miracle in the leadup to Whitney's exit at the start of 2024.

"I'm going to say quite tight-lipped about the exact details of Whitney's storyline, as we've still got quite a way to go with her", Clenshaw said. "But what I will say is that her and Zack have a little Christmas/New Year miracle."

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.Read more EastEnders spoilers on our dedicated homepage

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