EastEnders' Kathy Beale to be arrested in fire aftermath

EastEnders spoilers follow.

Kathy Beale will be arrested in the aftermath of the fire at her café in EastEnders.

A blaze will erupt at Kathy's café later in the week, but there are still questions over how it will actually get started.

While the café has been experiencing electrical problems lately, Kathy's embattled husband, Rocky Cotton, will also consider burning down the building to get some much-needed insurance money.

Rocky remains deep in debt to Nish, and when he backs out of a plan to steal a car from Jay's lot, he's left with few options to pay the villain back.

Rocky's best mate Harvey will know about the arson plans, though he will be led to believe he's talked his friend out of making a dangerous mistake.

rocky, eastenders

The fire itself will have wide-ranging consequences for many on the Square, including Kathy's grandson Bobby Beale being injured while trying to stop the blaze.

In the aftermath, Cindy Beale suspects Kathy started the fire, leaving her furious when she spots her partner Ian having a warm exchange with his mother.

After confiding in George over her anger at Kathy, she's encouraged to return to the hospital and support the family.

Cindy does indeed rejoin the Beales just in time for the police to barge in to arrest Kathy for her alleged involvement in starting the fire.

ian beale, cindy beale, eastenders

Kathy faces hours of interrogation at the Walford PD station. Though she turns down a solicitor, she quickly realises she made a huge mistake.

Kathy's world is thrown upside down by the arrest, so Cindy makes a peace offering by inviting her to move back into No45 with her husband, Rocky.

Cindy's relationship with Ian remains on the rocks, so much so that she ends up staying the night at the Vic. While Anna initially supports her mum, she eventually throws Cindy out once she discovers the truth.

Kathy is soon released from custody, leading to another blow-out row with Cindy that's only interrupted when George turns up with some big news.

kathy beale, eastenders

Rocky has been wracked with guilt through the last few days, and he faces more scrutiny when his best mate Harvey demands he tell the truth.

Rocky heads off to the police station, but what will he tell the investigators?

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.

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