EastEnders star Danny Walters hints at trouble for Sharon and Keanu

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Danny Walters has hinted at trouble for his character Keanu Taylor and Sharon Watts in EastEnders.

Keanu has been determined to go legit, following some dangerous run-ins with the Panesar family over criminal jobs that left him hospitalised.

In upcoming scenes, Sharon will buy The Arches from Phil Mitchell as a means to give Keanu a new business — though it's not long before they have to call in maths wiz Reiss Colwell to help keep track of accounts.

"There [are] a few references this week to Keanu being a school dropout and not doing great in education. Bernie even says that he didn't score well in maths," Danny has teased.

sharon watts, keanu taylor, eastenders

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"When it comes to the financial side of the business, I think Sharon is a little bit apprehensive as to whether Keanu has the credentials to be the boss, which leads to Sharon hiring Reiss, who is a bit of a mathematical genius, to help Keanu with the accountancy side of the business."

Asked about whether Keanu objects to Reiss taking over the body shop's accounts, Danny explained: "He's shocked and nervous when he first hears the news, but he does eventually comes to terms with it and quite confidently owns being the boss and wants to make the most of this opportunity. "

The actor went on: "He's a bit in over his head in this situation. It's his first-ever business to run, and it's quite a big scale, so he conveys a bit of apprehension and nervousness — which Sharon sees, so she then gets worried about the business and whether he has credentials.

keanu taylor, eastenders

"When Sharon brings Reiss in, Keanu's ego initially takes a bit of a hit because he feels Sharon is belittling him. Over time however, Keanu understands that having Reiss there is the best thing for the business as it means he get on with what he loves doing: being a mechanic and fixing cars."

While it's certain that Keanu is totally committed to starting a new life with Sharon and their son Albie, there could be trouble in mixing their personal life with their business.

"I don’t know if there’s any secret that makes their relationship work," Danny admitted.

"All Keanu wants — and this is how I've been playing the character since day one — is to be a good dad to Albie, and he wants to be a good partner to Sharon, as he's just besotted and deeply in love with her."

mitch baker, sharon watts, keanu taylor, eastenders

He added: "I think additionally, he wants the family that he never had when he was growing up. Keanu's father was in prison after some violent crimes towards his mum, so he wasn't there when Keanu was growing up.

"So Keanu never really had a father figure, and because of that, Keanu goes above and beyond the ensure he is a good representation of a dad, to set good examples, to be there and to have Albie grow up in a loving home with Sharon."

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.

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