EastEnders' Zack faces new worries over baby

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Zack Hudson has faced new worries about his baby's arrival in EastEnders.

Earlier this week, Zack learned he is HIV+ after former friend Brett shared his own diagnosis — and encouraged him to get tested because they'd shared steroid needles.

Wednesday's (January 18) episode saw Zack worrying about sexual partners he may have infected with the virus without knowing it. He had a chat with Martin, who assumed he was simply anxious to become a dad.

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Martin encouraged Zack to let Whitney know how he's feeling, so Zack tried to gather the strength to tell his loved ones what he was facing.

Later, Zack joined Finley, Felix and Sonia to see off Whitney as Chelsea accompanied her for her scan. Zack then confronted Brett over his diagnosis, leading his friend to encourage him to be honest with Whitney.

"She's going to have routine bloods in the hospital. You need to tell her," Brett told him.

Brett explained to Zack that being HIV+ is no longer "a life sentence", instead he takes a pill every day and his viral load has remained undetectable.

Zack decided to find Whitney after her scan, but ended up running into Chelsea instead. His worries were only compounded when Chelsea explained that the baby's blood tests would be coming back the next day.

eastenders, zack

That evening, Zack ran into Sam Mitchell at the Vic and she gave him a photo of the scan that Whitney had left behind for him. Zack was left struggling to process his own diagnosis and what it could mean for his child.

EastEnders producer Chris Clenshaw and his team are working with Terrence Higgins Trust on this storyline, which has already increased visits to the charity's website by 75%.

EastEnders airs on Mondays - Thursdays at 7.30pm on BBC One. The show also streams on BBC iPlayer.

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Organisations including amFAR, Terrence Higgins Trust and the National Aids Trust (NAT) can provide further information on research, testing and treatment for both HIV and AIDS.

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