How to Eat Like Your Favorite Superheroes

I don’t know about you, but whenever I splurge on a movie ticket to kick back, relax, and watch the latest action-packed superhero awesomeness Marvel or DC has to offer, I come out of that theatre ready to slap on a mask and some spandex and kick butt. I know it can’t just be me, or else that little thing called Comic Con wouldn’t exist, amiright?

Anywho, as some of our favorite superheroes return (or make their debut) to the silver screen for their latest world-saving adventures, the #FOMO of being a badass hero/heroine can get pretty real.

You might wonder where you even begin to get mighty-defender-of-the-Earth ready. Well, how about starting with your diet? Yes, my fellow civilians, the first step to becoming superhuman is eating like one. Let’s kick off our powerful list of super #foodspo with the fast approaching DC blockbuster, Batman vs. Superman.

Batman: Dark Chocolate

Like Gotham’s caped crusader, this antioxidant rich, heart-protecting superfood is basically a vigilante. While it’s not anywhere near the bitter chalkiness that is pure unprocessed cacao, it certainly isn’t the sweet, sugary goodness that most of us grew up with.

It’s still a candy (AKA lawbreaker), but it’s the healthiest (AKA most just and heroic) one out there. For the most benefits, make sure it’s at least 70% dark. Enjoy a piece or two by itself, or get fancy and try this dark chocolate bark.

Photo by Sarah Schuette
Photo by Sarah Schuette

Superman: Chickpeas (AKA Garbanzo Beans)

After gaining the ability to see creatures’ “auras,” Clark Kent adopted a strict vegetarian diet. Naturally, everyone’s first question for the Man of Steel was, “where are you going to get your protein?!” While there are dozens of non-animal sources, the best food for bringing out your inner Kryptonian is the chickpea.

Like Superman and his clumsy-nerd-in-eye-glasses disguise, a lot of people don’t make the connection that chickpeas are what hummus is made of (they’re just blended with spices, people). If it’s not a staple in your life already, it should be — click here for some ideas to add more hummus to your life.

Photo by Megan Prendergast
Photo by Megan Prendergast

Wonder Woman: Açaí Berries

Ah, the Amazon wonder — both the woman and the berry. Açai berries are the OG super food — as noted by Livestrong, their seemingly endless benefits include cancer prevention, improved immune system, and better heart and brain function. These guys can solve any problem thrown their way, just like our Amazonian role model.

Unless you’re in South America, fresh berries won’t be an option, so your next best bet is the powdered form, which you can buy online or at your local health food store. Try this simple açaí bowl recipe to get you energized to save the world.

Photo courtesy of
Photo courtesy of

Aquaman: Seaweed

Loaded with iodine to promote a healthy thyroid gland (the guy responsible for preventing diabetes), antioxidants, minerals, and anti-inflammatory properties, this super-plant doesn’t mess around. And as the ruler of the seven seas knows, it’s not just for sushi rolls.

If you want more information about this versatile super food, check out this Huffington Post article. If you have no idea where to begin to get more seaweed in your diet, hit up these easy recipes for a seaweed wrap or seaweed crisps.

Photo by Sarah Schuette
Photo by Sarah Schuette

Cyborg: Barbecue Kale Chips

As any Teen Titans fan (of the Cartoon Network show, that is) would know, Cyborg’s favorite food is barbecue, which is why the perfect super food dish for him would be some rrrawsome BBQ kale chips.

These bad boys honestly taste like light, magical, crispy deliciousness and are the perfect way to reap the plethora of benefits of kale (including iron, vitamin K, folate, vitamin A, and more) without feeling like you’re eating rabbit food. Try making your own with this dope Food Network recipe, or if you’re feeling lazy from all your superhero duties, you can buy some pre-made.

Photo by Sarah Schuette
Photo by Sarah Schuette

The Flash: Coconut

With a metabolism as speedy as his, The Flash needs something that will rehydrate him pronto and replenish all those electrolytes he loses from speeding around Central City.

Coconut water does just that, and the healthy fats in coconut oil would be the perfect addition to any snack he had due to its readiness to be used for energy, which, duh, The Flash needs a LOT of. Check out Reasons Why Coconut Is Your New Best Friend to get the lowdown on all things coconut.

Photo by Gabby Phi
Photo by Gabby Phi

Now that you’ve got some badass foods to add to your arsenal, it’s time to start your superhero transformation.

Check out these dope articles to satisfy your superhero cravings: