Ebola-infected nurse related to Kent State workers, attended school

Dallas County Sheriff officers patrol the Village Apartment complex where a second Texas nurse who tested positive for Ebola resides in Dallas, Texas, October 15, 2014. REUTERS/Jaime R. Carrero

CLEVELAND (Reuters) - The second Texas nurse to test positive for Ebola attended Kent State University and is related to three employees there, but she did not visit the campus while she was in Ohio this weekend, the university said on Wednesday. The woman, who was identified by her family as Amber Vinson, 29, stayed with her family at their home in Summit County and did not step foot on the campus, Kent State President Beverly Warren said in a statement. "Out of an abundance of caution, we're asking the patient's family members to remain off campus for the next 21 days and self-monitor per CDC protocol," Dr. Angela DeJulius, Kent State's health services director, said in a statement, referring to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Cleveland officials said Vinson traveled to Cleveland on Oct. 8 and returned to Dallas on Oct. 13. Cleveland has activated an emergency communications center out of an abundance of caution, officials said. Vinson was in the Akron, Ohio, area to prepare for a wedding and was visiting her mother, the director of the Cleveland Department of Public Health, Toinette Parrilla, told a news conference. (Reporting by Kim Palmer; Writing by David Bailey; Editing by Mohammad Zargham)