Echoes of the 1990s in Ukraine as financial crisis bites

People walk past a board showing the currency exchange rate in central Kiev February 6, 2015. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko

By Natalia Zinets KIEV (Reuters) - A crippling financial crisis in Ukraine is turning the clock back to the 1990s, when people kept dollars in their socks rather than at banks and smuggled cars to sell them on the black market and avoid the tax man. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, leaving the command economy in tatters, many in the newly independent republics such as Ukraine were left to fend for themselves, using guile to seek out goods and services and navigate the new capitalist reality. Some business leaders say those days are returning as Ukraine nears financial collapse, with the hryvnia currency plunging about 30 percent against the dollar on Thursday after the central bank ditched its unofficial peg. As the economy deteriorates and fighting rages between government forces and Russia-backed separatists in east Ukraine, banks are no longer lending, and selling imported goods makes little economic sense, said Oleh Nazarenko, director of the Ukrainian Association of Car Importers and Dealers. "We are returning to the 1990s, when drivers hid their dollars in their socks and bought cars in Germany, then drove them to Ukraine and sold them with cash changing hands on the street - with the state not getting a penny in taxes," he said. He said car prices at showrooms were soaring as the hryvnia devalued, with vehicles worth $20,000 at 160,000 hryvnias in February last year now on sale for 400,000 hryvnias or more. Complicating matters, the central bank's decision to scrap the daily foreign currency auctions that had in effect pegged the exchange rate has made it all but impossible to gauge the new rate. Official automobile sales last month were 77 percent lower than January 2014 and sales for 2014 were 57 percent down on the previous year. Forty-four percent of people working in the automobile industry lost their jobs last year, when the hryvnia fell 50 percent against the dollar. "In terms of car ownership, Ukraine occupies one of the lowest places in Europe," Nazarenko said. "We have three times fewer cars than in Russia and the average age of cars is 19-1/2 years." DEBT TRAP The hryvnia has been sliding since February last year, when street protests forced a Moscow-backed president from power. A month later Russia annexed the Crimea peninsula from Ukraine and the separatist rebellion in the east began last April. Ukraine desperately needs funds from donors to fill an estimated $15-billion funding gap. After years of mismanagement and corruption, the economy has also been hit by the conflict and annual inflation rose to almost 25 percent last year. Among those worst hit by the economic crisis are people with mortgages denominated in foreign currency which seemed to offer more favourable terms but have left them in a debt trap. When Olga Ivanova, an accountant, borrowed $65,000 in dollars - then equivalent to 325,000 hryvnia - in 2006 to buy a one-bedroom apartment for her and her son in Kiev, the exchange rate was about 5 hryvnia to the dollar. Her monthly salary was 12,500 hryvnia, and the monthly payment of 5,500 hryvnia seemed manageable, as did the overall scheduled repayment of 490,000 hryvnia over 10 years. Because of the hryvnia's devaluation, her monthly payment of about $600 a month now fluctuates around 12,000 to 13,000 hryvnias and she still owes the bank 36,000 dollars. The repayment period has been extended until 2026. "It's incredible," she said. "What's more, I have no job now the economy's collapsing and there are no jobs to be found." She said the bank had tried to force her out of the apartment but a court had prevented this. Some 86,000 people in Ukraine have mortgages denominated in foreign currency, the total of which is about 4 billion hryvnia, and some have formed an organisation to defend their rights. "My story is not the most tragic. In our organisation there are families where the husband is taking part in the ATO (government forces' Anti-Terrorist Operation in the east) ... and the banks are calling them to demand payment," Olga said. The foreign exchange market has been in confusion since the central bank's anti-crisis steps on Thursday, which included an increase in the main interest rate to 19.5 percent. Most currency traders said there was little that could prop up the currency. One said: "We are advising customers who need dollars to wait a week if their businesses can wait." (Writing by Elizabeth Piper, Editing by Timothy Heritage and Janet McBride)