Elon Musk: Shonda Rhimes leaves Twitter as celebrities threaten to boycott over Tesla CEO’s ownership

Shonda Rhimes is the latest celebrity to quit Twitter after Elon Musk bought the platform in a $44bn (£38.1bn) takeover.

Musk first made a bid for the site in April, causing widespread backlash, boycott threats and a high-profile legal battle.

He is now the owner as of Thursday (27 October).

The Tesla CEO previously urged his “worst critics” remain on Twitter in the name of free speech and on Friday (28 October) tweeted: “The bird is freed”.

Here are some of the celebrities and public figures who are threatening to leave Twitter as Musk takes over.

Shonda Rhimes

Grey’s Anatomy creator left the platform on Saturday (29 October), tweeting: “Not hanging around for whatever Elon has planned. Bye.”

Rhimes’ account is still active, although she hasn’t posted since.

Jameela Jamil

The She Hulk actor first deactivated her account after Musk’s initial bid in April, over concern for how the platform would change under Musk’s ownership.

In a final message to her followers, she wrote: “Ah he got Twitter. I would like this to be my what lies here as my last tweet... I fear this free speech bid is going to help this hell platform reach its final form of totally lawless hate, bigotry, and misogyny,” she added.

The actor also joked that Musk buying the platform would stop her from being a “complete menace to society” on the app.

Her account was later re-activated and is currently still on Twitter, with no comments made on whether she will leave the app again.

Mia Farrow

Actor Farrow threatened to leave the platform in April, following the news of Musk’s first bid, over fears of the site becoming more “toxic” and “hateful”.

In a since-deleted tweet, the Watcher star wrote: “Well if Twitter becomes even more toxic – with Trumpy-treasonous lies & all the hatred – it will be taken less seriously, and people like me will quit for peace of mind.”

She later wrote a tweet to Musk, reading: “Keep Twitter worthy of your previous achievements and of lawful people everywhere.”

She is currently still on Twitter as of Friday (28 October).

“People like me will quit for peace of mind,” wrote Farrow (Getty Images for ELLE Magazine)
“People like me will quit for peace of mind,” wrote Farrow (Getty Images for ELLE Magazine)

Shaun King

Activist King temporarily deleted his Twitter account after the takeover was announced in April, saying the billionaire’s purchase was “not about left versus right” but “about white power”.

He wrote: “The man was raised in Apartheid by a white nationalist. He’s upset that Twitter won’t allow white nationalists to target/harass people. That’s his definition of free speech.”

Since Musk’s return to Twitter, King has been retweeting a number of articles criticising Musk and the purchasing of the platform.

Amy Siskind

The activist and author has been a vocal opponent of Musk and his Twitter takeover, announcing her plans to leave the platform in April.

She wrote: “Whatever content I provide here goes directly towards enriching one man, who I think is absolutely awful,” and told her followers she would be using Facebook instead.

After the recent announcement, Siskind wrote: “Twitter under Elon Musk is the next Musk Social,” comparing it to Donald Trump’s Truth Social platform. She still remains on the platform.

George Takei

Star Trek actor Takei said he would consider leaving the platform over concerns it could become “more toxic”.

George Takei wrote “the struggle against fascism, misinformation, and hate requires tough fighters.” (Getty Images)
George Takei wrote “the struggle against fascism, misinformation, and hate requires tough fighters.” (Getty Images)

He tweeted: “Should this place become more toxic, I pledge to strive even harder to lift up reason, science, compassion and the rule of law.

“The struggle against fascism, misinformation, and hate requires tough fighters. I hope you stay in the fight, right beside me,” he added.