Emmerdale death scenes, Coronation Street suspicion, EastEnders wedding and more soap spoilers

Soap spoilers follow.

Struggling to keep track of the constant stream of soap spoilers? Fear not, as every Monday Digital Spy picks out the biggest and best storylines hitting your screens in the week ahead.

1. Emmerdale: Faith's tragic exit

(Thursday at 7.30pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

When Faith's ailing health prevents her from going on a fun day out with the Dingles, her family and friends decide to surprise her by bringing the seaside to Emmerdale.

Faith's elated as Diane returns to the village for a visit, and a special dance with Cain leaves her heart feeling full. However, Moira is unsettled by Faith's hints that she might end her life soon, and desperately pleads with her mother-in-law to back out of the plan.

Faith assures Moira she won't do anything soon, but it's clear she's lying as she starts saying veiled goodbyes to everyone. After being taken to bed by grandson Nate, Faith switches off her phone, takes one last look at her photographs and prepares to die alone.

Moments later, Cain arrives at his mum's bedside and is devastated to realise what she has done. Making her comfortable, Cain stays by Faith's side until she draws her last breath.

As news of Faith's death rocks the village, elsewhere at a hotel, Chas is engaged in a romp with secret lover Al, blissfully unaware of the tragedy.

2. Coronation Street: Max is accused of targeting Maria

(Wednesday at 8pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Max's hopes of being able to return to school are dashed this week when Mrs Crawshaw informs David and Shona there are no places available for him. However, Max is livid to learn Daryan, his friend from Iraq, will be starting at Weatherfield High and accuses him stealing his place.

Meanwhile, Maria is disturbed to find an online troll has left negative comments under an article about her rehoming of refugees. She shows the comments to David, who then returns home and is suspicious when Max refuses to let him use his laptop.

Concerned, David confides in Shona that Max could have written the hateful remarks in revenge for Daryan being accepted into the school he wanted to return to.

Wanting to know the truth, David confronts his son, who immediately denies having anything to do with it. But as Maria continues to receive abuse, David involves the police, who turn up at Number 8 to speak to Max.

The youngster's laptop is taken away, and Max is furious at David for showing no faith in him. Later on, the police call revealing they're heading back to talk to the Platts – will Max be found guilty?

3. EastEnders: Alfie's secret fiancée is revealed

(Tuesday at 7.30pm on BBC One)

Photo credit: BBC
Photo credit: BBC

After some words of wisdom from Freddie, ever-hopeful Alfie decides that a grand gesture might be the way to win back Kat's heart. The pair go all out setting up an extravagant flower display for Alfie's former wife, but the plan backfires when Kat discovers where the blooms came from.

Realising he has completely messed up, Alfie apologises to Kat, insisting their friendship is all that matters to him. She forgives him, and after learning Phil has turned to Sharon for help and not her, she agrees to join Alfie in The Vic for a drink.

It's clear the exes are enjoying being around one another again, but their evening takes an unexpected turn when a young woman enters the pub to remind Alfie he's getting married in the morning.

As Kat reels from the shock bombshell, Alfie insists the woman – Megan – isn't his fiancée, and offers to introduce her to the person he's set to wed so she can learn the truth.

Soon preparations for Alfie's wedding are in full swing, but as things inevitably descend into chaos, Kat orders him to fix the mess he has made.

4. Hollyoaks: Maxine is targeted after a night out

(Tuesday at 7pm on E4 and Wednesday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

Photo credit: Lime Pictures
Photo credit: Lime Pictures

After her disastrous blind date with Eric, Maxine is disturbed to find a sinister message scrawled in one of her textbooks. Assuming it's from Tony's twisted brother, she confronts him, but is shocked when Mason provides Eric with an alibi.

Mortified by her mistake, Maxine drowns her sorrows at The Dog and ends up falling into a pile of rubbish on her way home. Drifting in and out of consciousness, she catches the attention of a mystery passer-by, who takes the opportunity to target her.

The next morning, Maxine is bewildered to wake up and find a slur written on her forehead in lipstick. But as memories of her drunken night come back to her in flashbacks, she has a sudden realisation of who's behind it all.

Maxine takes action, but a shocking accusation and refusal to accept defeat has dreadful repercussions for her.

As the week continues, Scott and Dave team up to try and lift Maxine's spirits and encourage her to pick up her law studying. But a harsh comment from her dad leads Maxine to experience a major setback.

5. Emmerdale: Kim rumbles Will and Harriet

(Friday at 7.30pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Will is consumed with regret after declaring his love for Harriet and insists to Bob that it was a big drunken mistake. He tries to play it down to Harriet, but as the pair share a charged moment, Will scuttles away, leaving the copper convinced of his true feelings.

Elsewhere, oblivious Kim couldn't be more excited at the prospect of marrying Will. But when Harriet decides not to attend the ceremony, Will's clearly rattled, leaving Kim confused by her fiancé's sudden change in mood.

As Will heads out to meet with Harriet at the scrapyard, Kim decides to follow him to see what's going on. Believing they're alone, Harriet takes the chance to convince Will she's the one for him, but Kim is standing nearby listening to every word…

6. Coronation Street: Stu learns the truth

(Wednesday at 8pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

Stu's over the moon when Yasmeen announces Bridget and Eliza are coming round to see him, but won't be telling Lucy.

The next day, as they all enjoy brunch together, Eliza questions her grandad about his life in prison, leading upset Bridget to run out into the garden. Going after her, Stu explains how dreadful it was to be imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, but he's left stunned by what Bridget has to say to him.

Following her admission, Stu instantly feels better for finally knowing the truth, however, Yasmeen finds it difficult to accept.

Elsewhere, Alya is also left reeling when Dee-Dee calls into Speed Daal and delivers the results of the DNA tests.

7. EastEnders: Nish arrives in Walford

(Thursday at 7.30pm on BBC One)

Photo credit: Kieron McCarron / Jack Barnes - BBC
Photo credit: Kieron McCarron / Jack Barnes - BBC

During a secret meeting with Nish's probation officer, Vinny learns his dad is due for release from prison the next day. He attempts to break the news to Suki, but Ravi manipulates him into believing Nish's homecoming should be kept as a surprise.

Later on, a security guard eyes Nish as Vinny informs his dad everything has been sorted for his release. Nish makes Vinny promise to keep schtum about his arrival to Albert Square, clearly not wanting Suki to know what's going on.

The next day, it's time for Nish to say his goodbyes, but just as he's preparing to leave, an inmate approaches him with a knife, and shortly afterwards Vinny receives a call informing him that his father has been stabbed.

Vinny barely has chance to process the news before the prison are on the phone again saying they are still intending to release Nish that day.

Before long Nish makes his long-awaited arrival in Walford, but will the Panesars be pleased to see him?

8. Hollyoaks: Imran collapses

(Wednesday at 7pm on E4 and Thursday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

Photo credit: Lime Pictures
Photo credit: Lime Pictures

Consumed by his eating disorder, Imran bunks off work and throws himself into a punishing exercise regime at the gym. It's not long before Juliet starts to worry about how hard he's pushing himself, but will she discover the demons that are plaguing her friend?

Returning to work, Imran struggles to keep his focus as he's consumed by negative thoughts.

Imran is determined to prove himself though, and embarks on a cooking challenge for a food critic with Tony, while trying to conceal a nasty injury he sustained at work. But as an infection from the wound spreads, Imran ends up collapsing at work.

9. Home and Away: Heather is Marilyn's secret daughter

(Thursday at 1.45pm on Channel 5)

Photo credit: Channel 5
Photo credit: Channel 5

Marilyn and Roo are still at odds over newcomer Heather's presence in the Bay.

In a bid to get Marilyn to warm towards her new student, Roo opens up about Heather's backstory, explaining she was forced to give her baby up after having an affair with a married man. A stunned Marilyn listens on, clearly shaken by the revelation.

Later, Marilyn finds a picture of a newborn baby on her doorstep with a handwritten message, which reads: 'Guess who?' Storming straight over to Heather's caravan, Marilyn accuses her of sending the photograph.

Roo and Nikau are forced to step in to defuse the situation, but they're both baffled by Marilyn's aggression.

Later, Heather's hidden agenda is finally revealed when she pulls out her birth certificate and her birth mother is listed as Marilyn Chambers.

While Heather continues her secret mission, John calls Marilyn's loved ones together to try and work out what's bothering her. Leah and Roo stage an intervention, but their attempt to get to the truth backfires as Marilyn refuses to open up.

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