Emmerdale exit plan, Coronation Street showdown, EastEnders discovery and more soap spoilers

Soap spoilers follow.

Struggling to keep track of the constant stream of soap spoilers? Fear not, as every Monday Digital Spy picks out the biggest and best storylines hitting your screens in the week ahead.

1. Emmerdale: Moira flees from the village

(Monday and Tuesday at 7.30pm on ITV)

The cover-up over Kyle's guilt in Al's murder case is only just beginning, but the pressure is already becoming too much for Moira to deal with. When she pays another visit to Cain at the prison, Moira is visibly agitated over the ongoing lies and deception.

Moira admits that she's not cut out for the situation, and feels that Amy has done the right thing by heading off to Belfast with Kyle.

The next day, Mackenzie visits Cain and breaks the news that Moira has taken Isaac to Belfast so they can be with Amy and Kyle. Cain is shocked as the reality of his recent decisions hit home, wondering whether he'll ever see his family again.

Natalie J Robb, who plays Moira, recently confirmed that her character isn't leaving for good and will be back at a later date.

2. Coronation Street: David prepares for a clash with Griff

(Friday at 8pm on ITV)

david platt in coronation street

David grows concerned about Max's new friendship with Griff, especially when Roy and Brian tip him off about a racist talk that Griff gave at the community centre.

Max is already doing work for Griff by editing his online videos, so David is warned that he needs to quickly get a grip of the situation before things spiral any further out of control.

When David tries to warn Max off from spending time with Griff, the teen ignores this. It's clear that another course of action may be needed.

David tells Max that he wants to meet his new friends for the first time, so they head off to Griff's flat along with Lauren. How will David react to Griff as they come face-to-face?

3. EastEnders: Amy's self-harming is revealed

(Monday and Tuesday at 7.30pm on BBC One)

amy mitchell, eastenders

EastEnders has started exploring the issue of self-harm with the character of Amy, who's feeling increasingly isolated from her family and friends after her break-up from Denzel and the false rumours currently spreading about them.

Sam discovers that Amy is self-harming when she pays a chance visit to her home one afternoon and finds the teenager in a worrying state. Sam offers support, but is left in a difficult position when Amy asks her not to tell Jack or Denise.

Later at the Queen Vic, Sam does the right thing by privately warning Jack about what's going on with his daughter. When Amy overhears the conversation, will she feel betrayed by Sam?

4. Hollyoaks: DeMarcus' tormentor is finally exposed

(Monday at 7pm on E4 and Tuesday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

demarcus westwood in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

DeMarcus and Vicky team up to figure out who is responsible for the recent abusive messages. A process of elimination correctly proves that Mason is the only one who could have sent the nasty texts.

Felix is adamant that Mason should be punished, so he warns Honour about her son's bad behaviour. DeMarcus is annoyed with his dad for interfering.

Meanwhile, Felix's revelations don't go down well with Dave, who tries to downplay the concerning situation. With Honour feeling differently, the Chen-Williams family are divided.

5. Emmerdale: Chas' affair could still come to light

(Thursday at 7.30pm on ITV)

chas dingle, al chapman, emmerdale

It's the week of Al's funeral and Chas has a chance to attend without arousing suspicion, as Kerry asks her to be there. Chas is upset when the service clashes with the scattering of Liv's ashes and she has to attend the latter event instead.

Chas finds it increasingly difficult to hide her grief for Al, especially when she learns that there was a poor turnout for his funeral. She secretly reads through the order of service and becomes emotional, leaving Paddy curious about her behaviour. It may only be a matter of time before he gets closer to the truth.

Meanwhile, Chloe does some digging into Al's finances and ultimately finds out that he was planning to move away with a secret lover before he died.

Chloe breaks the bad news to Kerry, who wonders about the identity of the other woman.

6. Coronation Street: Yasmeen and Stu reunite

(Monday and Wednesday at 8pm on ITV)

yasmeen metcalfe and stu carpenter in coronation street

Yasmeen has loyally supported Stu in recent weeks, but has always made it clear that she was only ready for them to be friends. Her stance changes next week when Stu reaches a crossroads after the recent upheaval in his life.

Stu is hoping to secure permanent custody of his granddaughter Eliza, but has been told that she can't move into the Nazir house unless she has her own bedroom.

Stu starts considering alternative places to stay, but Yasmeen surprises him by revealing that she wants him to start sharing her bed. This marks a turning point for their relationship, but also frees up a room for Eliza to stay in.

As Eliza starts to settle into Number 6, Stu realises that the recent arrests of Bridget and Lucy have taken a toll on her. It seems that it won't be plain sailing for this new family unit.

7. EastEnders: Whitney's new love interest revealed

whitney dean, zack hudson, eastenders

Whitney agrees to Felix and Finlay's idea of a house party when they mention that Zack is looking for love. She hopes to use the opportunity to get closer to Zack, but is put out when he turns up with another woman instead.

There's still hope for the pair when Zack shows his own interest in Whitney later in the week, complaining that she doesn't seem bothered about him. Felix can tell that Whitney is putting up a front over her feelings for Zack.

Zack ultimately makes the first move with an attempt to win over Whitney, who agrees that they can have a drink together at the Queen Vic.

8. Hollyoaks: Sienna is threatened by Norma again

(Thursday at 7pm on E4 and Friday at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

sienna blake in hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

Norma gets closer to Warren when she moves in with him. There are some teething troubles for the pair when Norma's decision to add a woman's touch to Warren's bachelor pad irritates him.

Norma can't resist meddling in Warren's life when she finds out that Sienna is still blocking him from seeing his children. Warren hopes to win sympathy from Sienna by mentioning his health troubles, but she won't budge.

Sienna is alarmed when Norma intervenes by threatening her. Fearing the wrath of The Undertaker, Sienna reluctantly agrees to supervised visits.

9. Home and Away: Heather kidnaps Marilyn and her friends

(Friday at 1.45pm on Channel 5)

heather fraser in home and away
Channel 5

It's the final Home and Away episode of the year for UK viewers, and in a sign of some special cooperation between Channel 5 and Summer Bay, there's a dramatic cliffhanger written in to mark the occasion.

After weeks of slyly hiding her true intentions, Heather finally drops the act by luring Marilyn, Irene, Alf, Roo and Leah to a lavish country property and holding them all captive.

Heather leaves everyone's fates in Marilyn's hands by ordering her to tell her friends the truth about their secret connection. With Alf's health deteriorating amid the high-pressure situation, the stakes couldn't be higher.

If you've been affected by the issues raised in this story, organisations who can offer support include Samaritans on 116 123 (www.samaritans.org) or Mind on 0300 123 3393 (www.mind.org.uk). Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov.

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