Emmerdale explains Gail's secret as she shares all with Ryan

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Ryan Stocks has thrown out girlfriend Gail Loman after discovering her secret in Emmerdale.

Earlier this week, it was revealed that Gail was hiding that she had a son with Ryan and that he was in need of a marrow donor due to being diagnosed with aplastic anaemia – a severe condition caused by a deficiency in all types of blood cells.

Gail tried to discourage her son Oscar's adoptive mother, Sophie, from contacting Ryan until she could determine if she was a donor match.

In Friday's (September 22) episode, Ryan could sense something was going on with Gail when she said she'd be away from the village at a dentist appointment all day.

gail loman, sophie, emmerdale

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"No pain, no gain," Gail nervously told him.

At the hospital, Gail tried to come up with excuses where she wouldn't have to actually visit Oscar while waiting for the test. Once the test was complete, Gail was worried about the results and asked the doctor what would happen if she wasn't a match.

"I suppose we'd have to find Oscar's dad," Sophie interjected.

Gail remained determined that she would be a match, seeing it as her chance to do something good for her son. Marlon happened to see Gail getting emotional when Sophie dropped her back in the village so he dropped by to see her.

"You can tell me to go away but I needed to check you were okay," Marlon explained.

gail loman, ryan stocks, emmerdale

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When Marlon offered to lend a supportive ear, Gail broke down and told him everything about Oscar's treatment. She explained that Ryan actually knew they had a son, as they'd decided to put him up for adoption "early in the pregnancy".

Marlon encouraged Gail to tell Ryan the truth because the longer she kept it from him the harder it would get. Gail did ultimately tell Ryan the truth, albeit after a confused metaphor about the dentist.

"Our son is in the hospital. He's really, really sick," she admitted to him.

Ryan reacted angrily, telling Gail he didn't want to see a picture of Oscar before demanding she leave. He was left alone contemplating whether he'd help his son as the episode ended.

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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For more information and support about this topic, you can visit the Aplastic Anaemia Trust or call their helpline on 0300 102 3202.

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