Emmerdale previews Cain, Caleb and Aaron's gene test results in 21 spoiler pictures

moira, cain dingle, emmerdale
Emmerdale reveals Cain's test results in 21 picsITV

Next week on Emmerdale, Cain Dingle, Caleb Miligan and Aaron Dingle all receive their results after being tested for the faulty BRCA2 gene.

Elsewhere, Tom King's abuse of Belle gets worse, and Liam Cavanagh asks Ella Forster out on a date.

Our 21-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store.

Monday, March 18: Cain's gene test results arrive

Cain, Caleb and Aaron have all been tested for the faulty BRCA2 gene.

moira, cain dingle, emmerdale

Monday, March 18: Cain reads the results

He's relieved to have tested negative.

moira, cain dingle, emmerdale

Monday, March 18: Caleb reads his own results

Ruby and Nicky watch on anxiously.

ruby, caleb, nicky, emmerdale

Monday, March 18: Caleb confirms that he has tested negative

This also puts Nicky in the clear.

ruby, caleb, emmerdale

Monday, March 18: Aaron reads his results

He has tested positive for the faulty gene, but later lies to Chas and claims that the result was negative.

aaron dingle, emmerdale

Monday, March 18: Mandy opens up to Belle

She admits that she's having relationship troubles with Paddy.

belle king, mandy dingle, emmerdale

Monday, March 18: Belle is sympathetic

Mandy felt betrayed last week when Paddy kissed Chas.

belle king, mandy dingle, emmerdale

Tuesday, March 19: Amit becomes intrigued by Eric's wealth

He tries to befriend Eric, seeing an opportunity to manipulate him.

amit, pollard, emmerdale

Tuesday, March 19: Suzy questions why Belle is working the reception at the vets

She alludes to Belle's job offer at Take A Vow – an important message that Tom hadn't passed onto Belle.

suzy, belle king, emmerdale

Wednesday, March 20: Rodney is sceptical

He isn't sure whether Eric should trust Amit.

rodney, pollard, emmerdale

Wednesday, March 20: Rodney and Eric catch up again

Eric is determined to prove that he still has his wits about him, so he plans to go ahead with Amit's proposed business deal.

rodney, pollard, emmerdale

Wednesday, March 20: Tom gets jealous

Belle accepts the job from Suzy, but Tom is annoyed when Suzy describes Belle's first client as her "perfect match".

tom king, suzy, belle king, emmerdale

Thursday, March 21: The Dingles gather for a party

They celebrate Marlon's 50th birthday.

mandy dingle, paddy kirk, marlon dingle, rhona goskirk, emmerdale

Thursday, March 21: There are mixed moods among the guests

Mandy is still feeling insecure over her relationship with Paddy.

mandy dingle, emmerdale

Thursday, March 21: It's a difficult time for Marlon too

Rhona is missing Ivy, so can't fully enjoy the party.

marlon dingle, tom king, belle dingle, emmerdale

Thursday, March 21: Tom and Belle are also in attendance

Their relationship has become a cause for concern in recent weeks.

paddy kirk, tom king, marlon dingle, belle king, emmerdale

Thursday, March 21: Tom's angry behaviour continues

Belle is startled.

tom king, belle king, emmerdale

Thursday, March 21: Tom's abuse is getting worse

What will he do next?

tom king, emmerdale

Thursday, March 21: Amit faces a setback

Eric insists on speaking to Brenda before transferring any money.

pollard, amit, emmerdale

Friday, March 22: Liam asks Ella on a date

He plucks up the courage to ask her.

ella, liam cavanagh, emmerdale

Friday, March 22: Ella agrees

Liam is delighted.

ella forster, liam cavanagh, emmerdale

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