Emmerdale spoilers: Kim finds out that Jamie’s alive, Mack wants to confess to Charity

These are the big Emmerdale spoilers for 12-16 September, 2022. (ITV)
These are the big Emmerdale spoilers for 12-16 September, 2022. (ITV)

A long-kept secret is finally revealed on Emmerdale next week as Kim Tate learns that Jamie isn’t dead after all. Plus Mack’s plan to confess hits a snag.

It’s your rundown of all the big Emmerdale spoilers for 12-16 September 2022.

Kim discovers the truth about Jamie


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Emmerdale - Ep 9466

Tuesday 13th September 2022

Kim Tate [CLAIRE KING] is petrified when she finds that Millie has run away. 

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Kim Tate is petrified when she finds that Millie has run away. (ITV)

Kim learns that Hazel has been in an accident and, after arriving at the hospital, she’s shocked to learn that her injuries have been caused by Jamie, who has pushed her down the stairs.

Kim, of course, has been under the impression that her son was dead and so insists that Hazel tell her exactly what’s been going on. And after getting the full details, Kim wastes no time in contacting the police and reporting Jamie for attempted murder.

Read more: Next week on Coronation Street

Read more: Next week on EastEnders

An angry Kim is also determined to keep a scared and confused Millie safe and ends up taking her back to Home Farm. But, once alone, the feelings of betrayal boil to the surface and Kim smashes up the living room of her home.


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Emmerdale - Ep 9465

Monday 12th September 2022

Now left alone, the years of hurt and betrayal from Jamie boil to the surface as a weeping Kim Tate [CLAIRE KING] smashes up the Home Farm living room. 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

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The years of hurt and betrayal from Jamie boil to the surface for Kim Tate (Claire King). (ITV)

The following day, Kim is shown definitive proof from the police that Jamie is alive. But she has little time to process this development, what with Millie vanishing after running away…

Mack’s guilt is mounting


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Emmerdale - Ep 9467

Wednesday 14th September 2022

Charity Dingle [EMMA ATKINS] is thrilled when Mack Boyd [LAWRENCE ROBB] surprises her with a trip to Ibiza. 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

Photographer - Danielle Baguley

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Charity Dingle [EMMA ATKINS], Mack Boyd [LAWRENCE ROBB] (ITV)

A guilty-feeling Mackenzie continues to beat himself up over his recent one-night stand and reaches a decision: he’s going to tell Charity the truth. But Mack is soon backtracking on his plan when a flirty Charity suggests that he follow her upstairs.

Later on, Charity is left super excited when Mack surprises her with a surprise holiday to Ibiza. But as she starts preparing for their trip away, an angsty Mackenzie answers a call and demands that the person on the other end of the line leave him alone.

Tensions rise between Liam and Leyla


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Emmerdale - Ep 9467

Wednesday 14th September 2022

As Jai Sharma [CHRIS BISSON] coaches Liam Cavanagh [JONNY McPHERSON] on how best to deal with Leyla’s rehabilitation, Liam’s hit with the hard truth of dealing with an addict.  

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Jai Sharma [CHRIS BISSON], Liam Cavanagh [JONNY McPHERSON] (ITV)

Priya is worried that Liam is denial about the situation as regards Leyla, and asks Jai for some help in managing the local GP’s expectations when it comes to his wife’s rehabilitation.

Following some patient coaching from Jai, we’ll then see Liam being hit with the hard truth about how to deal with having an addict in his life. The following day, Liam and Leyla have couples’ therapy and he in particular is left feeling exhausted after the two of them open up.

And once Liam returns home with his wife in tow, it’s clear that tensions remain between the two of them.

Rishi disappoints Bernice


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Emmerdale - Ep 9468

Thursday 15th September 2022

Both suffering a little with loneliness, Rishi Sharma [BHASKER PATEL] and Bernice Blackstock [SAMANTHA GILES] agree to have lunch together. Later, Rishi bails on his lunch with Bernice, fearing she’s too intense and she’s mortified when she finds out. 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

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Rishi Sharma [BHASKER PATEL], Bernice Blackstock [SAMANTHA GILES] (ITV)

A lonely Rishi is acting in a manner that’s far from gallant after he strikes up conversation with a similarly solitary Bernice. The two of them agree to meet for lunch, but Rishi then unforgivably bails on the appointment, fearing that Bernice is too intense!

He’s then lmortified when she finds out what he’s done. But expect the sneaky Mr Sharma to be left even more shame-faced when Bernice confronts him about having been ditched.

Is Naomi headed to jail?


Print media - No Use Before Tuesday 30th August 2022
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Emmerdale - Ep 946162

Thursday 8th September 2022

Naomi Anderson’s [KARENE PETER] guilty when an angry Nate Robinson [JURELL CARTER] confronts her about Nicola’s attack and her lies. Nate’s resistant when Naomi pleads with him to see the real her. She’s upset when Nate ends things between them. 

Picture contact - David.crook@itv.com

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Naomi Walters [KARENE PETER], Nate Robinson [JURELL CARTER] (ITV)

Never has a newcomer become a pariah so quickly as Naomi, who has now headed to the police station to reveal what she knows about the recent attack on Nicola.

The upcoming drama will see Naomi return to the village from the cop shop – but her fears are that she’ll now be facing time in prison as a result of what she’s divulged.

Watch the latest Emmerdale spoilers