Emmerdale star Dominic Brunt shares future of Paddy's dark storyline

Note: The following article contains discussion of themes including suicidal thoughts.

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Emmerdale star Dominic Brunt takes centre stage in emotional scenes this week, as his character Paddy Dingle contemplates suicide.

Paddy recently disappeared from the village as he struggled to see a way forward following the breakdown of his marriage to Chas. He has since returned home but is continuing to hide the extent of his inner turmoil.

Show bosses have consulted with Samaritans and suicide prevention charity Andy's Man Club while working on the issue-based story.

Dominic recently caught up with Digital Spy and other media to chat about the plot.

What was your reaction when this storyline idea was first shared with you?

"It was back in August and I appreciated the fact that I was being brought in so early, which is unusual. Being a fan of the show, I usually quite like getting the scripts every two weeks and reading through to find out what the different characters will be doing.

"In this case, to know what the story was months in advance was really healthy. It helped me to start colouring in and drip-feeding the beginnings and the kernel of the story.

"This transcends the normal storylines that we're given. The only time I've had something like this before was when Aaron came out and it mattered to people. I remember an uncle, with that generational bigotry that's there, watched it and went: 'Yeah, I understand that. I got that'.

"I was hoping that this story might do that – that it might make a difference and normalise talking. No matter what you're going through, the one thing that will save you and help you is talking."

How did things progress from there?

"Having access to Samaritans and Andy's Man Club right from the beginning, it made me feel involved in the story.

"I don't like putting any input into the scripts. I'm definitely the pawn, so I move where I'm moved to, and I say what people have written for me.

"But I really felt included and I felt a huge sense of responsibility to get it right, so I've done my best. I've felt very looked-after and involved and they've made me trust the whole process."

chas dingle and paddy dingle in emmerdale

Did you meet anyone who has been in Paddy's shoes?

"Yes, I have – whether it's been through Andy's Man Club or doing my own research, it's been incredible. Not only has it been inspirational, it's been pitch black dark and it's made me appreciate what I have.

"Speaking to people where life has hit them so hard from left-field, it's been really shocking. But as I've said before, everybody who has come through the other side of it has said: 'I'm glad I've spoken to someone, I'm glad I've talked. Talking's saved me'. It's been incredible, really."

After everything Paddy has been through in the past few years, was it easy for you to see why he'd get to this point?

"Yes, although it seems that men suffer in secret. I've spoken to people who've been left behind when someone has killed themselves. Almost every person I've spoken to has said: 'We didn't know. I wish they'd have said something. We didn't expect it'.

"We've tried to feed in part of that – where it has been a shock, but there have been reasons as well."

How did you feel after filming the scenes?

"I just tried my best. I couldn't let myself even open a little door into the black dogs that these people experience. I was pretending.

"The scripts and dialogue were so good that the journey there and curve was so clear. It was almost easy to do, but the emotion that I had to visit, had to be shaken off almost immediately.

"I felt supported but I've got an hour's drive home after work, so I'd put the radio on and make sure I get some sleep that night. So I'm not suffering like that – I'm a stupid actor with a script in their hands.

"I was privileged and honoured to serve that story. But it didn't touch the sides for me, because I know what it's like for someone to really go through that. So I felt fine."

emmerdale's paddy dingle storyline

What will Paddy's journey be like moving forward?

"He's opened the door to it now – he's capable of having those thoughts. He's capable of attempting to take his own life and he's going to have to watch that now for the rest of his life.

"Thankfully, the story isn't dropped. There'll be hints, hopefully forever, that he's capable of that.

"But there's also quite a lot of light – it's not a misery-fest. It's not this dark story that's awful to watch. It's really well-coloured-in with the pace. Even a couple of weeks later, there's little pinches of light where Paddy has found his humour again, but he has to watch himself.

"The story also normalises talking. If Paddy has another slump, he turns to someone and says: 'Are we alright to just go and have a cup of tea? I just want to talk about something that's bothering me'. I'm really glad that it's doing that."

What kind of impact do you want the story to have?

"I hope as many people watch it as possible. We've got the perfect medium in soap to give this subject matter a platform and tell it in such a way that people will turn up to work the next morning and ask: 'Did you see Emmerdale last night? What did you think of that?' We can't squander that opportunity.

"Hopefully if it makes a difference even to one person, that's amazing. That's as much as we can hope for, really."

Emmerdale continues on Thursday, March 2 and Friday, March 3 with hour-long episodes from 7pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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We encourage anyone who identifies with the topics raised in this article to reach out. Emmerdale has been working on Paddy's storyline with support from Samaritans and Andy's Man Club.

Further information about how to access support is available via the NHS, and organisations who can offer help include Samaritans on 116 123 or Mind on 0300 123 3393.

Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov or the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

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