Emmerdale star Joe-Warren Plant on Jacob's romance with Victoria - and David's exit

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Emmerdale kicks off a big storyline for Jacob Gallagher next week as he spends the night with Victoria Barton, marking the beginning of a secret relationship for the pair.

Jacob and Victoria decide to keep their passion under wraps for as long as possible, aware that Jacob's dad David will be heartbroken over his ex-girlfriend moving on with someone so close to home.

The plot seems likely to have major consequences for the village, with David's exit scenes due to air within the next few weeks.

Joe-Warren Plant, who plays Jacob, recently caught up with Digital Spy for an exclusive chat about what's in store.

jacob gallagher, victoria barton, emmerdale

Why have Jacob's feelings for Victoria taken this romantic turn?

"Jacob has spent a lot of time around Victoria as David was in a relationship with her. It's been brewing over a long period of time.

"For a while, I don't think Jacob quite understood what he was feeling for Victoria and he probably tried to push it away, knowing the relationship that she had with David. It's something that's taken him by surprise.

"Although it was Victoria's fault when Jacob had the allergic reaction at The Hide a few weeks ago, she also saved his life so maybe that was a catalyst for Jacob's feelings. That shone a light on it and gave Jacob a bit more clarity for how he was feeling for Victoria. In the end, he just really loves her."

So far, Victoria has told Jacob that nothing can ever happen between them. Can you tell us why things start to change next week?

"It comes about following some scenes with Jacob and a character called Abby, who's one of David's online dates. David is really picky so when he goes on a date with Abby, he realises that he maybe finds her a bit annoying and he doesn't want to go on the second date.

"David sends Jacob to tell Abby that he's not going to be able to make their second date. Abby is really upset, so Jacob is left trying to pick up the pieces.

"Victoria is working in The Hide at the time and Jacob picks up that she's acting off with him and seems a little bit jealous. Eventually Jacob confronts Victoria about this and there's quite a heated discussion."

What happens next?

"Jacob reminds Victoria that she's the one who put the brake on things, not him. She tells him to leave her alone, but that was all Jacob needed to see to know that Victoria has those feelings as well.

"Jacob takes that opportunity to have his first kiss with Victoria and things go from there."

jacob gallagher, victoria barton, emmerdale

They spend the night together, but do they have regrets the next morning?

"They definitely have some regrets, for sure. Jacob is really close to David and he does love him deep down. Victoria still cares for David too, so there's always that heavy regret for both of them.

"But this was a spur-of-the-moment thing and it felt right for Jacob and Victoria. At that moment, they're not really thinking too much about David's feelings, as they're in their own little bubble. It's something that heavily builds up over the next few weeks – all the regrets and betrayal on both parts."

How does Jacob feel when David bursts in and he has to hide to avoid being caught?

"It's terrifying! It's the worst thing that could ever happen in that moment. But also, it breaks up a nice moment between Jacob and Victoria.

"I think that's what stands out the most in Jacob and Victoria's relationship – actually, they have really sweet moments and there's a real connection. So although it's scary trying to keep this secret from David, the power and energy is too much for them to just ignore.

"They're just so swept up in it all and it's real love, but it's an awful situation for David to be there."

victoria barton, david metcalfe, emmerdale

As the week progresses, Leyla becomes curious about Jacob's secret girlfriend. Should Jacob be worried?

"Jacob knows that Leyla can be quite nosy in his business and he picks up on that. She says: 'I'm going to find out who your girlfriend is!' Obviously Jacob is super scared about the possibility of anyone finding out - not just Leyla and David, but everybody else in the village because people gossip and talk.

"Jacob's smart and he knows how to make sure that people don't find out. At the same time, though, sometimes he jumps the gun a little bit or does things without really thinking because he's passionate about the situation.

"Sometimes Jacob might leave a little trail behind, or put himself in situations which may be detrimental, as people could find out. It's a tough situation for him."

How did you feel when the Jacob and Victoria storyline cropped up?

"We were told about this in a story meeting about three months ago now. It's a story that's been on the cards for a while. It's Emmerdale, isn't it? (Laughs.) It was a bit of a surprise but we were more than happy to do the storyline. It's going to get people talking and that's what we do it for, so it's been good.

"It's been a pleasure to film – I get on well with Izzy [Hodgins, who plays Victoria] so it's been amazing, really. She's a lovely girl and it's been nice to do these scenes together."

Some fans are talking about the age gap, as Jacob is 20 and Victoria is 29. Do you think this could become an issue for them?

"I don't think it really matters too much. The age gap between Jacob and Victoria is actually smaller than the one between David and Victoria. Also, Jacob is quite a mature character."

It's no secret that Matthew Wolfenden, who plays David, recently filmed his final scenes. How was it to see him go?

"Matthew got a lovely send-off. It was an emotional day! We were filming some quite intense scenes and it was sad to see him go.

"Matthew took me under his wing from day one. Having spent the past 13 years with him, it's a big piece that's missing now.

"But it was a really nice send-off – he had loads of farewell messages from everybody and we made sure to make his last day special for him."

jacob gallagher, emmerdale

David has been the one constant during Jacob's time in the village. Do you see this as the start of a new chapter?

"It's definitely going to be different for Jacob. David and Jacob were really close. It was a relationship that built up over the years, because with David not being Jacob's biological father, David had to win him round.

"It got to a point where Jacob actually did refer to David as his dad. I think that shows how special their bond was and how much love they had for each other.

"Now that Jacob's not going to have David around, I think he's going to have to learn how to cope without him. David was always the person that Jacob would go to whenever he had any issues. They were quite open about each other's love lives and other things going on.

"It's going to be hard not having that person to talk to. Although Jacob has still got his mum, he's going to have to learn to do things on his own, without his dad around there to help."

After 13 years on the show, do you still enjoy it as much as when you first started?

"Yeah, I love it more now, to be honest! It's crazy because when I was younger, I was, in a way, oblivious to everything going on around me. I think that worked out in my favour because I didn't really have those stresses. Maybe if I was to join the show now, I would get quite anxious about it, knowing how many people watch.

"I think it was the best way that I could have been introduced to Emmerdale. I was able to enjoy it and I've been really lucky to be situated with the people around me.

"Now growing up, I can appreciate it more – seeing how everybody pulls together to create Emmerdale. It's such a team effort and I get on well with everyone here. I love it now more than ever."

Have you enjoyed making the transition from child star to full-time adult cast member?

"Yeah, it's been great to have bigger storylines and work that I can really sink my teeth into. I enjoy all my days when I'm here at Emmerdale, so to go full-time into the show is a blessing.

"It's also been nice to see that transition of Jacob growing up and becoming the adult that he is. He's learned a lot over the years and he's been through a lot of stuff, but I think he's maturing into an alright young lad!

"Obviously Jacob has his issues, but he's always got good intentions at heart. He can probably be quite relatable to a lot of people. I hope that he's a character that people watch and see themselves in."

Adam Thomas recently made a jokey threat to return to the show as Adam Barton and "sort out" the Jacob and Victoria situation. What are your thoughts?

"Come back, let him try! (Laughs.) I think Jacob could stick up for himself against Adam. I think it would be a good battle!"

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