Emmerdale star Liam Fox addresses jail fears for Dan Spencer

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Emmerdale actor Liam Fox has spoken out about his character Dan Spencer's new storyline, addressing the fears that the villager might go to prison.

In scenes set to air next week, Dan will be formally charged with GBH over a violent attack on new villain Lloyd, who befriended his daughter Amelia online under a false identity and has been creeping around.

Speaking to Digital Spy and other press outlets about the possibility of Dan's imprisonment and how he would react, Fox said: "For somebody like Dan, I think it wouldn’t do him any favours at all. I think he'd come out worse than he went in because he's not a villain... If Dan gets locked up it could change everything for his daughter Amelia."


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"I did a bit of research into these things," he added. "I didn't meet anybody but I watched a lot of films and videos online, of not only the perpetrators of the violence but also the victims' families and it's just sad, really. Because nine times out of 10, the person who's hit the other person didn’t want this, they just lash out.

"I've been in this situation, most people have been in situations where you're out at night and somebody says something. Some people react to that, I never did, I always walked away, but it would be so easy to."

Although the storyline could end up being quite a tense one to watch, Fox is really enjoying the chance to play out some more dramatic moments.

dan spencer, lloyd, emmerdale

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"I preferred having comedy originally, but it's good," he explained. "I miss Dan’s fun side but when we're doing stuff that's this good, it's brilliant. The directors we’ve had have been fab as well. They’ve made us work for it. My brain’s been frazzled. In a good way!

"We’ve had Reece Dinsdale [who used to play Paul Ashdale] directing the last few days. he's so passionate. Sometimes your head's going because he's bringing so much to it. You get to the end of the day and you think – that was good. Fantastic."

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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