Emmerdale star Nicola Wheeler reveals how she changed Nicola King role

Emmerdale star Nicola Wheeler has revealed how she changed the role of Nicola King on the ITV soap.

Speaking to Inside Soap Wheeler, who has played Nicola King for over two decades since joining the soap in 2001, said she was partly responsible for how her character developed.

According to Wheeler, Nicola was supposedly at the end of her shelf life after Carlos had an affair with Bernice while he was still engaged to Nicola.

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After speaking to the producer, Wheeler said she asked them to flip her character, making her bitter instead of defeated.

"We had the story with Carlos and Bernice, and that was supposed to be her shelf-life. But I spoke to the producer at the time, Steve November, and we thought, 'Why not flip her character? Let's make her bitter now!'"

As Nicola was constantly being cheated on by the men in her life, Wheeler thought it was time for her character to get her revenge.

"So she went from being a princess who was treated badly by men to saying, 'I'm going to get my own back! I'm going to treat men the way they treat me'. The first one she did that to was Robert Sugden - she popped his cherry then dumped him for Syd Woolfe."

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Speaking about how her character has changed over the years, Wheeler said Nicola isn't a villain, she just speaks her mind and it gets her into trouble.

"She's not a murderer or a villain – she's a comedy bitch, isn't she? She says the things that most of us want to say but don't, because we have a filter," Wheeler said. "Nicola doesn't have that. She's great fun to play, though – I just go to work and insult everybody, then I go home."

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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