Emmerdale star Rosie Bentham details 'unsexy' sex scenes

Emmerdale actress Rosie Bentham has spoken about her character Gabby Thomas' sex scenes, stating that they aren't all that fun to actually film.

Gabby famously had a one-night stand with Jamie Tate, that led to her and their baby becoming part of Kim Tate's family and business empire.

She was also recently engaged to Nicky Milligan, who came out as gay to her on their wedding day and revealed he couldn't go through with the ceremony, as he turned his back on dad Caleb's plans to wrestle control of Home Farm from Kim.

Despite being involved in some steamy (for a pre-watershed soap) scenes, Bentham has stated that filming them is anything but.

gabby thomas, emmerdale

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Speaking to The Sun, the actress said: "They really aren't that sexy to film. It's more about the practicality of the kiss and making sure you get the camera angle right. I can safely say that I've never banged heads with anyone during a kissing scene, but it does happen.

"You can request an intimacy co-ordinator, but I've never needed one. When you're working that closely with someone you become really good mates. It's never weird or awkward, because you're working with them every day and it's just part of the job."

Bentham also stated that she's not like her character at all, claiming that when it comes to men, Gabby is "raring to go and be like, 'Come on then, let's go upstairs', which is obviously a lot of fun to play, but I'm nothing like that."

emmerdale, nicky, gabby

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Bentham also said that she would rather date non-celebrities as opposed to anyone famous, and is currently "getting to know someone".

However, she stressed she doesn't want to say any more than that, as she prefers to keep her personal life private.

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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