Emmerdale star Susan Cookson explains Wendy's affair story

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Emmerdale's Wendy Posner gives into temptation with Liam Cavanagh next week as they bond over a shared interest in murder mysteries.

Wendy grows closer to Liam after discovering that he's a published author of detective fiction, writing under the pen name of Anna Le Monde.

Next week, the colleagues stay behind at the GP surgery to attend an online murder mystery convention. Once the fun and games are over, they lean in for a kiss and spend the night together.

Susan Cookson, who plays Wendy, recently caught up with us to share more details about the story.

liam cavanagh, wendy posner, emmerdale

How do Wendy and Liam grow so close?

"Wendy has been a bit suspicious of Liam for a while, as he was messing around with his laptop a lot and seemed to be up to something. When she finds one of his short stories, she's interested and we find out that murder mystery stories are obviously a passion of hers too.

"Wendy is interested in the slightly saucier and romantic side of murder mysteries. She introduces that aspect to Liam's stories.

"For the two of them, it's a meeting of minds, a shared interest and something that is quite fun."

How have the scenes been to film?

"They've been great fun. When it's so well-written like this, it's an absolute joy to play. For me, when something is so easy to learn, you know it's well-written. We've had some giggly moments filming the story."

liam cavanagh, wendy, emmerdale

As Wendy and Liam are work colleagues, will it be awkward for them after they've spent the night together?

"Well, they do get along and there's a mutual respect between them as work colleagues. But I realised the other day, there is a little bit more to Wendy and Liam. Liam knows about Wendy's past with her husband Russ.

"There always seems to be this confusion with the public, who think that Wendy's not a qualified nurse. She is, but she qualified under a different name. It was a while ago when Russ turned up and tried to blackmail her over that.

"At the time, Wendy went to Liam and tried to hand her notice in, but he told her she was too good a nurse, she wasn't going anywhere and her secret would be safe with him. There's a respect and an understanding between the two of them after that."

How does Wendy feel about cheating on Bob?

"Wendy feels terrible about that, because she does love Bob. You can't not love Bob! She's devastated by that and basically tells Liam that this has to stop.

"Wendy tells Liam that it was a moment of madness, it was great fun but she's in a deep and meaningful relationship with Bob. But Liam doesn't want it to stop."

Why do Wendy and Liam have such a connection?

"They have fun together. It's exciting when you find someone who you can genuinely get on with and have a good old laugh with. That's sexy, when you've got someone who can make you laugh.

"They've both lost a child so they have that empathy between them as well."

liam cavanagh, wendy posner, emmerdale

Wendy and Bob recently had some issues when she thought he was cheating with Bernice…

"At that point, Wendy was absolutely devastated. But there was a conversation where she said there's got to be more for their relationship than what's going on at the moment.

"Wendy did say to Bob that she's very committed to the relationship, but it had become quite humdrum between them.

"They made amends and Bob declared his love for Wendy. She came to live in the B&B. She's become very committed to Bob, but as time has gone on, she's realised there are still problems."

Next week, Bob and Bernice do grow closer and almost kiss. Is Wendy aware of what's going on there?

"At the moment, especially with what's going on between Wendy and Liam, I don't think she's aware of Bob and Bernice's connection at all. I don't think she's suspecting them of anything.

"There's maybe once or twice where Bernice is rubbing Wendy up the wrong way, but that's just Bernice being Bernice. I don't think Wendy thinks it has anything to do with her partner."

bob hope, bernice blackstock, emmerdale

Would Wendy feel less guilty about Liam if she knew what was going on between Bob and Bernice?

"It's funny – we banter about that on set. Tony [Audenshaw] who plays Bob has been saying to me: 'Well look at what Wendy's getting up to, she's just going for it!' With Bob and Bernice, it's just intimated between the two of them.

"I've argued that Bob has got genuine feelings for Bernice and that's worse. But I think Wendy is also getting drawn in a bit more with Liam on an emotional level."

How has it been to film a funnier storyline?

"I've felt like I've been on holiday the past few weeks, as this has just been a joy. I'm really enjoying picking the scripts up. I've also been picking the brains of the directors saying: 'Ooh, what if we do this in the scene?'

"There have been members of the crew saying 'this is so funny' and they're loving this. It makes a change doing silly, funny stories."

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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