Emmerdale's Charles Anderson makes confession after Victor's death

Emmerdale spoilers follow.

Charles Anderson has made a shocking confession after his father Victor's death in Emmerdale.

The vicar made the tragic discovery that his wayward father had passed away at the end of Tuesday's episode (August 29), sending shockwaves through his shattered family.

Victor died while trying to make a hasty retreat from the village because he'd become the prime suspect in stealing Manpreet's necklace.

emmerdale, charles anderson finds victor anderson dead

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In Wednesday's (August 30) visit to Emmerdale, viewers learned that the whole incident was actually a final round of cat-and-mouse game between father and son.

Charles was inconsolable about losing his father, though his partner Manpreet had no idea why the vicar was quite so heartbroken since he'd hated his father.

As Manpreet tried to support Charles, he made the shocking confession that Victor hadn't stolen the necklace after all. The truth was that Charles swiped it and planted it in Victor's pocket to get him in trouble.

Charles had hoped the incident would convince Victor to leave the village for good, but certainly never intended it to possibly play a role in his father's death.

The vicar had previously suspected that Victor was lying about an unruptured aneurysm as a means to get back with his wife Claudette, but clearly, he wasn't actually lying.

emmerdale, charles anderson

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He was only made to feel worse when Claudette broke down in tears, explaining that she'd always had to "pick up the pieces" for her husband's schemes.

Claudette was tortured that Victor had brought "shame" on the family as his final act. Manpreet urged Charles to resolve the situation, so Claudette wouldn't think the worst of her husband.

"If she finds out I'm responsible for dad's death, she'll have nowhere else to go," a panicked Charles argued.

He then worried: "I'll lose everything. My family. My place in the church. What have I done?"

Will Charles come clean to his mum?

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

Read more Emmerdale spoilers on our dedicated homepage.

If you identify with the themes in this article, the NHS has resources available to help with grief counselling and other support in the UK. In the US, the CDC also has resources available for those grieving.

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