Emmerdale's Eric to make a big decision over Sam

Emmerdale spoilers follow.

Emmerdale's Eric Pollard finds an alternative way to punish Sam Dingle tonight (February 27) following the recent incident which has rocked their friendship.

Eric has been threatening to press charges against Sam after a theft incident at the local shop spiralled out of control.

As Sam and his family are struggling with the ongoing cost of living crisis, he decided to steal baby products from the shop for his granddaughter Esther.

Eric spotted what was going on and gave chase when Sam tried to flee. This had unfortunate consequences when Eric tripped and hit his head outside.

Related: Emmerdale's Samson Dingle to make a second bribe demand

Since then, Eric has vowed to support the police's investigation by doing everything he can to make sure that Sam is charged and punished.

However, in Monday's episode, Eric has an unexpected change of heart.

Eric's son David Metcalfe feels sorry for Sam, seeing that his recent actions were driven by desperation rather than malice.

David also suspects that Eric's reaction is disproportionate, given the hurt he's feeling after his past friendship with Sam.

lydia dingle, sam dingle, emmerdale

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Sam and his wife Lydia are both relieved when Eric confirms that he no longer plans to pursue the matter.

However, Sam realises that his problems aren't over when Eric warns that, in order to pay off his dues, he'll have to work for him unpaid.

Aware that the alternative could have been prison, will Sam have to grin and bear it?

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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For more information on organisations and initiatives that can provide help during the cost of living crisis, visit Citizens Advice.

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