Emmerdale's Gail Loman steps in to save her son Oscar

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Emmerdale's Gail Loman will make a huge decision next week, when she steps forward to try to save her long-lost son Oscar's life.

Gail and her partner, Ryan Stocks, decided to give up their son for adoption at birth and had not seen him since, but Gail recently found out from Oscar's adoptive mum, Sophie, that the boy has been diagnosed with aplastic anaemia and may need a marrow donation from one of his biological parents.

While Ryan struggled with the shock news at first, he has since agreed to be tested to see whether he's a match for Oscar – but in scenes airing next week, Ryan is devastated when he is told that he isn't.

gail loman, ryan stocks, emmerdale

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Marlon Dingle is on hand to comfort a crushed Ryan, but Ryan's relief is palpable when Gail rushes in to announce that, against all the odds, she and Oscar are a match.

The next day, Gail prepares to see Oscar again ahead of the surgery taking place, but Ryan is worried about meeting his son for the first time.

At the hospital, Gail and Oscar are getting on well after their initially awkward first encounter. However, it's Ryan's turn to feel awkward as he hangs back, feeling like the odd one out.

oscar, gail loman, ryan stocks, emmerdale
oscar, gail loman, ryan stocks, emmerdale

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Thankfully, the conversation eventually turns to music, and a relieved Ryan finds his way into the chat.

As she watches on, Sophie feels conflicted about the bond that is starting to form between Oscar, Gail and Ryan.

Back at The Woolpack, Marlon reminds Gail that they need to tread carefully around Oscar's adoptive mum. The importance of tomorrow soon starts to dawn on them all, as the operation fast approaches.

ryan stocks, gail loman, marlon dingle, emmerdale

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The next day, nervous Ryan supports Gail as she heads off into surgery. The couple are both hopeful that they can now be a part of Oscar's life following the operation – but will Sophie allow this to happen?

Star Rachael Gill-Davis, who plays Gail, has suggested that she'd like her character to form a new friendship with fellow villager Mary Goskirk.

"I'd like her [Mary] to become Gail's best friend," she said. "I think Gail would be a good wing-woman for her."

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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