Emmerdale's Sam Dingle arrested after Eric Pollard row

Emmerdale spoilers follow.

Sam Dingle has been arrested following a row with Eric Pollard in Emmerdale.

The soap has been examining the cost of living crisis in recent episodes, as the Dingles had grown increasingly desperate to keep the heat on and provide for each other.

In Thursday's (February 23) episode, it was Sam who crossed Eric as he came up with a sneaky plan to get supplies for his granddaughter Esther.

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Having no idea that his own son Samson has blackmailed Noah into giving him £2,000 to stay away from Amelia and baby Esther, Sam was desperate to get necessary baby supplies.

Sam initially went to Cain Dingle to ask him to give Dan Spencer a raise to help with the costs. Cain refused, but encouraged Sam to come up with a more creative option like the Dingles always do.

With Cain's words ringing in his mind, Sam tried to distract Eric at the shop while he nicked some baby supplies for Esther.

His plan immediately went up in smoke when Eric angrily caught him in the act, then gave chase as a panicked Sam fled out into the village.

sam dingle, pollard, emmerdale

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Eric tripped and fell during the chase, severely injuring himself. Sam could only stand by and watch in horror as Eric was loaded onto an ambulance for medical attention.

PC Swirling then approached Sam to confirm he'd be arrested on suspicion of theft and assault following this run-in with Eric.

Later, Lydia tried her best to comfort her frightened husband as he openly questioned whether he could be facing a prison sentence due to his past criminal record.

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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For more information on organisations and initiatives that can provide help during the cost of living crisis, visit Citizens Advice.

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