Emmerdale's Vinny makes a controversial decision in Caleb story

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Emmerdale's Vinny Dingle risks the wrath of Cain tonight (June 15) as he helps Caleb Miligan with his mission to stay in the village.

Caleb has spent the past few days living at the B&B after his sister Chas kicked him out of his room at The Woolpack last week.

Although Caleb had been making strong progress with his long-lost family, most of them have now turned against him after learning his true identity and secret agenda for being in the village.

In Thursday's hour-long episode, Cain struggles with the realisation that Caleb seems to be going nowhere.

cain dingle, amy, caleb, emmerdale

Related: Emmerdale's Nicky Miligan to reappear after Caleb's shock attack

Cain is livid that Charity has slept with Caleb, causing more drama within the family.

His day only gets worse when he discovers that Vinny has decided to sell Mill Cottage to Caleb, which once again gives the schemer a permanent place to stay.

As Cain voices his disapproval, smug Caleb goads him out in the village.

Cain lunges for Caleb, forcing Chas and Moira to pull him away.

caleb miligan, cain dingle, moira dingle, emmerdale

Related: Emmerdale's Leyla Cavanagh and David Metcalfe to hide a secret after Caleb's attack

Later, after another tense row at The Woolpack, someone follows Caleb through the woods and violently pushes him off a ravine.

Could the culprit be Cain after the brothers' previous tensions?

Jeff Hordley, who plays Cain, recently teased: "There's been a bit of an altercation, at the pub, between him and Caleb. Chas and Moira have had to pull them apart. Cain verbally threatens to kill him.

"In terms of if he is capable of gunning for him, I suppose yes he has a motive. He says he's been out walking the dog on Zak's behalf, unbeknownst to the rest of the Dingles. But he's not very forthcoming with the truth when they start to question him, which makes it all seem very suspicious."

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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