Emmerdale's Wendy Posner shocked as she risks being caught out over affair

Emmerdale spoilers follow.

Emmerdale's Wendy Posner gets a shock in upcoming scenes when her ongoing affair with Liam Cavanagh is nearly exposed.

Despite Victoria Sugden's discovery and attempted intervention of their affair, Liam and Wendy have decided to continue their secret trysts in the hopes that Victoria won't notice.

However, Victoria isn't the only one they should be concerned about, as it looks like Wendy's oblivious partner Bob Hope is now on the verge of finding out himself.

wendy posner, emmerdale

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In upcoming scenes, Wendy and Liam drop the ball by sharing a charged moment in the Woolpack beer garden.

Wendy gets a shock when Bob suddenly walks in during this exchange, and she tries to pretend that everything is normal.

Will Bob become suspicious? And will Wendy reconsider the affair with Liam following the close call?

wendy posner, bob hope, liam cavanagh, emmerdale

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Previously discussing the storyline with Digital Spy, Susan Cookson, who plays Wendy, explained why her character has such a strong connection with Liam.

"They have fun together. It's exciting when you find someone who you can genuinely get on with and have a good old laugh with," she shared. "That's sexy, when you've got someone who can make you laugh. They've both lost a child so they have that empathy between them as well."

As for if Wendy feels any guilt for cheating on Bob, Susan added: "Wendy feels terrible about that, because she does love Bob. You can't not love Bob! She's devastated by that and basically tells Liam that this has to stop.

"Wendy tells Liam that it was a moment of madness, it was great fun but she's in a deep and meaningful relationship with Bob. But Liam doesn't want it to stop."

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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