Erdogan says Turkey working with Syria rebels to implement Idlib accord

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during a conference in Istanbul, Turkey, September 25, 2017. REUTERS/Murad Sezer

ANKARA (Reuters) - President Tayyip Erdogan said on Sunday Turkey was implementing a deal agreed with Russia and Iran to reduce violence in Syria's northern province of Idlib, in cooperation with Free Syrian Army rebel fighters. "Now we are applying the Astana decisions in Idlib," Erdogan said, referring to an agreement announced last month in the Kazakhstan capital. He said if Turkey had not acted "bombs would fall on our cities". "Our efforts in Idlib are going on, in cooperation with the Free Syria Army, without problems at the moment," he told members of his ruling AK Party at a meeting in the western Turkish province of Afyon. (Reporting by Ece Toksabay; Editing by Dominic Evans)