Erin Lim: Celebrity Host x Adventure Buff

Girl geek taking over our screens on Tech Storm

For the latest installment of Storm Bytes an original production by Tech Storm, we have celebrity host Erin Lim taking the reign. Her fresh face might be a familiar sight to you as she has appeared on a few other regional television channels.

Despite only being 24, she has quite literally travelled the world due to her diverse heritage and played almost every sport available to mankind. A Los Angeles native but currently based in Singapore, Erin is an avid documentarian and filmmaker where she has both produced and directed documentaries that highlight social awareness.

Aside from the glints and glamour of being a celebrity host, Erin Lim is a girl-geek, health buff and photo capturing superhero at heart. For this interview we check in with Erin regarding her take on technology and got her to fish out her crystal ball to foresee where technology will be heading to in the next five years.

Let’s start off with a simple question, what does technology mean to you?

EL: Technology is the vehicle for information, transformation, and entertainment. In many ways technology has improved the lives of nearly everyone. To me, technology is a tool that helps the great big universe feel smaller and easier to live in.

We are able to communicate and connect to those on opposite ends of the earth, we are able to improve lives with its educational and medical developments, and it’s a gateway to a really exciting world!

You sound very much like a closeted girl geek, do share with us what are the 3 things you cannot live without.

EL: Cell phone, computer, and camera. I have to communicate to my family back in California, need my computer to be productive and put my creative projects in motion (such as typing this), and I absolutely love taking pictures. Capturing moments and memories are what I live for.

Being a Smartphone user yourself, what are your favourite apps?

EL: Instagram (duh), and myfitness pal

In an age where everyone is a heavy Smartphone user, have you ever gone on a Smartphone deprivation? Do you think you can go back to living without it?

EL: At times I do feel deprived if my phone dies on me and I don’t have the ability to charge it if I am out and about. I was once in Ghana and I didn’t have a smartphone or internet for two weeks. It was shocking and somewhat difficult at first. But after a few days it was incredible!

Being disconnected sometimes is peaceful. It allows you to connect to yourself and enjoy life around you. I don’t think I could go back to living without it. Technology has become the shadow of my being; I mean that in the best way.

After having interviewed the founder of Playmoolah, Audrey Tan, have your thoughts about female entrepreneurs changed after the interview?

EL: My thoughts of female entrepreneurs remains the same before and after interviewing them. I watch on television and read about leading females who have impacted our world with their innovations and research, and my belief is that so long as women continue to motivate and empower each other, we can continue to make strides in the world alongside males who are no longer solely responsible for the advancements around us. I surround myself with women who believe in themselves and their ideas. I look up to the women who have the courage to go toe-to-toe with the boys - Audrey and Bi Ying (from Playmoolah) were great examples of women who challenge the question of ‘what can women do?’ and execute goals in an impactful way.

If you had a billion dollars, what would you change in the current technology landscape?

EL: If I had a billion dollars to change the technology landscape I would strive to make enhancements in the health and fitness world. I believe that technology that can improve our wellbeing is worth investing in.

Things like fitness trackers, fitness app, food apps, health monitors or smart watches that enables us to know exactly how our body functions and what goes into the body. The only physical body we will ever have in this lifetime is the single most important health cause, and technological advancements that educate and heal are what I believe in.

If you were a fortune teller and had a magical crystal ball, where do you see technology heading towards within the next five years?

EL: Technology is moving so fast, it is at a pace that we can barely keep up with. In five years there will be 17 generations of iPhone’s, new gaming consoles with 4D, complete smart homes and more smart cars. The world will be smarter and with that, smaller.

Click here to watch Erin in action on Storm Bytes, a mini-series commissioned by Tech Storm!

By Geralyne Kaye Ong / March 05, 2015 9.45AM GMT+8

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