EU set to fix summit for after UK referendum

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders could reschedule their regular June summit so they meet five days after Britain's referendum on whether to quit the bloc, EU sources said. Since Prime Minister David Cameron fixed the referendum for Thursday, June 23, the first day of the mid-year European Council, officials have been looking at ways to avoid the clash of dates and ensure leaders can react to the result of the vote. A plan to convene the two-day summit on June 27 has been shifted by a further day due to a possible Spanish election on Sunday, June 26, diplomats said. European Council President Donald Tusk, the summit chairman, has proposed to leaders a meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 28-29 and is looking to governments to confirm that very soon. If Britons, who opinion polls show are evenly split, do vote to leave the EU, negotiations on a separation from the bloc's second largest economy could drive the Union deeper into crisis and take up much of its agenda for years to come. (Reporting by Alastair Macdonald; @macdonaldrtr; Editing by Janet Lawrence)