Eurosceptic ministers agree to stay in May's government: Sunday Times

LONDON (Reuters) - Senior Eurosceptic ministers Michael Gove, Liam Fox, Chris Grayling, Penny Mordaunt and Andrea Leadsom have agreed to stay in British Prime Minister Theresa May's government, the Sunday Times reported on Friday.

Two senior ministers quit May's cabinet on Thursday over her draft withdrawal agreement, throwing her premiership into chaos.

"Gove, Fox, Grayling, Mordaunt and Leadsom have agreed collectively to stay and will work together "to get this in a better place" says a (very good) source," Tim Shipman, political editor of the Sunday Times, said in a tweet.

"Resigning and joining a rebellion is not going to help anything," the source was quoted as saying.

(Reporting by Costas Pitas, writing by Alistair Smout, editing by Andy Bruce)