EU parliament head hopes for "rational cooperation" with Trump

European Parliament President Martin Schulz attends a debate on the last European Summit at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France, October 26, 2016. REUTERS/Vincent Kessler

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Parliament President Martin Schulz on Wednesday said he hoped for a "rational cooperation" with Donald Trump as the next U.S. president after a bitter political campaign. "It will not be easy because during the election campaign we heard some elements of protectionism, also some worrying words about women, about minorities," said Schulz, a German Social Democrat. "But my experience is also that election campaigns are different from the real politics during a term of the president so I hope that we will get back to a rational cooperation," he said in televised remarks. In a separate written statement, he highlighted need for Trump to formulate more detailed policies after a campaign that capitalised on voters' discontent with the status quo and he also listed key international policies that could be affected by the change of administration in Washington. "Mr. Trump has managed to become the standard-bearer of the angst and fears of millions of Americans. Those concerns must now be addressed with credible policies," Schulz said. "Vitriol and polarisation have fuelled this electoral contest. President Trump will have the daunting task of bringing together a divided nation. "From Syria to Iraq, from Ukraine to Libya, Trump’s role in diplomacy and dealmaking will be tested from Day One," he added. "From the fight against global warming to its commitment to NATO, the world awaits and hopes for an outward-looking presidency aiming at shaping international relations and upholding the values of freedom and democracy." (Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Alastair Macdonald)