Ex-Bush Aide Rips Republicans Over What They’re Doing Wrong For 2024

David Frum warned that the GOP faces “electoral disaster again” if Republican front-runner Donald Trump becomes the party’s 2024 presidential nominee.

Frum, a speechwriter in President George W. Bush’s administration, suggested in his latest column for The Atlantic that Republicans are “doing everything wrong” ahead of next year’s election.

Focusing on Trump’s “personal grievances” and “boutique culture-war issues” alongside increasingly extreme positions on abortion, voting rights and social security means the party is well on its way “to earning a deep, nasty defeat” against President Joe Biden, he wrote.

“Biden’s poll numbers are only so-so. But a presidential election offers a stark and binary choice: This or that?” Frum wrote.

“Biden may fall short of some voters’ imagined ideal of a president, but in 2024, voters won’t be comparing the Democrat with that ideal. They will be comparing him with the Republican alternative,” he added.

Gallup’s most recent polling puts Biden at a 37% approval rate, although he peaked at 57% early in his term. Trump, meanwhile, averaged a 41% approval rating during his presidency.

Read Frum’s full column here.
