Ex-NFL Coach Tony Dungy Spreads Kitty-Litter Myth And Twitter Gets Catty

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy on Wednesday regurgitated a debunked far-right complaint that schools are using litter boxes for students who identify as cats ― and he took a clawing on social media.

Dungy, now a football analyst for NBC, responded to a Daily Wire tweet about a Minnesota state representative. The lawmaker had argued that a proposal to place menstrual products in school bathrooms should cover “all student bathrooms,” including boys’ or gender-neutral facilities.

“That’s nothing,” the former Indianapolis Colts coach tweeted. “Some school districts are putting litter boxes in the school bathrooms for students who identify as cats. Very important to address every student’s needs.”

Dungy, a Pro Football Hall of Famer, won Super Bowls as a player and coach, but lost the respect of some fans for spreading the kitty myth, which keeps getting recirculated by conservative politicians and others.

The urban legend has been powered by “politically conservative types who oppose LGBTQ+ rights and gender nonconformity,” the Indianapolis Star noted. (The canard may have started after some Colorado schools requested kitty litter to place in buckets for students in case of classroom lockdowns due to threats.)

Dungy, who has been accused of anti-gay remarks and activities, got the fur to fly this time with the sandbox propaganda.
