Ex-PM Khan attends court as police storm home

STORY: Police in riot gear stormed the house of Pakistan's former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Lahore on Saturday (March 18) and clashed with his supporters.

While he officially marked his appearance in court to comply with judicial orders and left again, according to an aide.

More clashes outside the court prevented him going in, according to local media.

So the judge allowed him to sign the documents from his vehicle.

Khan is charged with unlawfully selling state gifts given to him by foreign dignitaries while in office, which he denies.

He has led nationwide protests since his ouster from power last year and has a number of cases registered against him.

The police unsuccessfully tried to arrest him on Tuesday (March 14) outside his home, clashing with his supporters during the attempt.

Hours earlier, the former cricket star told Reuters he had formed a committee to lead his party if he is arrested.

Khan was shot and wounded while campaigning in November and said his life was still in danger.

"This assassination attempt on me, the powerful people are behind it. And you know, my life is even more at threat than it was then, because these people are worried — all sitting in powerful positions — that if I come back into power, which they know in elections we will win. So they're trying to, you know, make sure that I don't get there.”

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif took to Twitter to criticize Khan, saying he was using people as human shields and attempting to intimidate the judiciary.