Ex-Prosecutor On Trump's CNN Town Hall: He 'Continues To Incriminate Himself'

Glenn Kirschner, a former U.S. Army prosecutor and an MSNBC legal analyst, explained how former President Donald Trump has a “determination to continue to directly incriminate himself” as he “digs his own legal grave deeper” in the wake of his CNN town hall event Wednesday. (You can hear Kirschner in the clip below.)

Kirschner, in a video shared to his YouTube page, slammed CNN for its “ill-advised” decision to host Trump, whom he referred to as a man who tried to end American democracy.

“Some good did come out of it because Donald Trump gave prosecutors and plaintiffs some directly incriminating and actionable evidence,” explained Kirschner before noting Trump’s comments on classified documents along with his lie about a Georgia election official.

The former president, at other times during the event, mocked moderator Kaitlan Collins along with E. Jean Carroll, whom Trump had just been found liable for sexually assaulting and who is considering suing him again over his remarks about her on Wednesday.

“The jury awarded punitive damages [to Carroll]. ... Punitive damages are designed to deter Donald Trump from telling defamatory lies in the future. And of course, within days of that jury verdict, Donald Trump goes right out and he does it all over again,” Kirschner said.

“Donald Trump will not be deterred by a jury’s verdict or punitive damages. Donald Trump will not be deterred by a judge’s admonitions that he shouldn’t say things like this. Donald Trump will not be deterred by a judge’s protective order or gag order. You know what will deter Donald Trump? A jail cell,” he continued.

CNN has comeunderfire for airing the event in a decision that anchor Anderson Cooper attempted to defend, remarks that have since been panned by MSNBC anchor Joy Reid.

Kirschner, in his video, argued that Trump shouldn’t be “given a microphone and a platform to spew his lies.”

“Even if a byproduct of having that microphone, having that platform is he digs his own legal grave deeper because he continues to incriminate himself,” he said. “It is time to deter Donald Trump. Because justice matters.”
