Ex-Trump Adviser Kellyanne Conway Blasts GOP Senators In 'Adapt Or Die' Era For Republicans

Former Donald Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway accused Republican senators of deserting Herschel Walker before his runoff loss to Raphael Warnock (D) for senator in Georgia. (Watch the video below.)

Conway intensified the hand-wringing in her party after Democrats gained a 51-seat majority in the upper chamber. The midterm elections proved to be a disappointment overall for Republicans, especially among candidates endorsed by Trump.

Conway said Republicans must master early voting and “bank votes” while connecting with the electorate in a way that highlights GOP values.

“These are the rules. We either adapt or die as a party,” she said on Fox News’ “Hannity.”

Conway questioned conservative senators who didn’t team up with former NFL star Walker before the runoff. (Walker’s problematic campaign and endorsement from Trump perhaps kept them at a distance.)

“Where were most of you? Why weren’t you in Georgia?” she said.

A few lawmakers such as Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Lindsey Graham (S.C.) did appear by Walker’s side in the buildup. But Conway said many more should have been there denigrating Warnock as the runoff neared.

“Where were the other senators to say, ‘I want Herschel Walker, not Raphael Warnock, in the Senate with me’?” she asked.

Conway’s former White House boss has been accused of leaving Walker out to dry, even though The New York Times reported that Trump and Walker’s camps thought the ex-president’s presence in Georgia could do more harm than good.

Discontent in the party has bubbled up since the former Heisman Trophy winner’s loss. Far-right House member Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) blamed many of the GOP defeats on prominent figures in the party (but not Trump). She criticized Walker for not asking her for more help. Among conservative media, prominent Fox News hosts Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham declared they were “pissed off” at the results.
