Exclusive: Amanda Holden brands sex series "Horrible Histories for adults"

amanda holden, sex a bonkers history
Amanda Holden teases new sex documentarySky

Amanda Holden is learning about the sexy side of history in her new documentary series as she discovers how things have changed from ancient times to the 20th century.

The Britain's Got Talent judge co-hosts Sex: A Bonkers History alongside historian Dan Jones as they delve into the sexual behaviours of past civilisations.

Teasing ahead to what viewers can expect, Holden described the new production as an X-rated version of another popular history show.

amanda holden, sex a bonkers history
A+E Networks EMEA/Sky History/Leigh Keily.

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Chatting exclusively with Digital Spy, Holden insisted the fun-filled history series is strictly for grown-ups.

"This is not for children," she laughed. "This is Horrible Histories for adults."

Further sharing her excitement for the new show, Holden described it as "really engaging" and shared hopes it will bring a new audience to Sky History.

"I think what Sky History wanted to do with this show is to bring a different way of teaching to their channel," she explained.

amanda holden, sex a bonkers history

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From Cleopatra to Marilyn Monroe, throughout the series Holden is seen dressing up as different prominent women from the past as she re-enacts some famous moments from history.

"The whole thing, to be honest, was a lot of fun," Holden remarked. "I got to wear a lot of wigs!

"The main reason I accepted the gig basically is because I got to dress up and I got to learn about an aspect of the last three thousand years, or whatever, that I just didn't know anything about," she added. "Also, I knew it'd be a lot of fun, which it has been."

Sex: A Bonkers History premieres Monday, September 18 on Sky History.

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