Exclusive: Coronation Street star Liam McCheyne on Dylan being caught out over bullying

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Coronation Street teen Dylan Wilson finally starts to face the consequences of his bullying in dramatic scenes next week.

As Sean Tully loses patience over allegations that Dylan has been tormenting Liam Connor at school, he demands his son's phone to help clear his name.

Sean is horrified when he instead finds evidence of Dylan's involvement in Liam's tragic ordeal, leaving him deeply disappointed in his son's actions.

Digital Spy recently caught up with Liam McCheyne, who plays Dylan, for an exclusive chat about the storyline and why it's just the beginning of a dramatic downfall for his character.

mason radcliffe, dylan, coronation street

When did you first find out about the bullying storyline?

"I took time off work to do my GCSEs last year. I finished in late June, then by July, I was back in work. We had a meeting about what was going to happen and who'd come in for the storyline.

"At the start of July, we did a screen test for the role of Mason – that was the first time that I met Luca [Toolan, who landed the role]. It was all very quick, but we hit the ground running."

How did you feel about taking on such a sensitive storyline?

"I was very keen to take it on. With being off work for so long doing schoolwork, it was nice to get back to work rather than being stuck in school!

"It was also interesting to start playing a different side to Dylan and I was keen to see where that would go. Dylan is a good guy, but he's had a lot of adverse childhood experiences, with his parents not being together and them living in different parts of the country.

"Dylan was also bullied when he was at school in London, because of his dad being gay. Now that he's come back up to Manchester, Dylan has been bullied into being a bully himself.

"It was interesting to pick those different aspects out and see why Dylan's behaviour was changing so drastically."

Are you bracing yourself for the fan reaction?

"The public quite liked me before, but now they're going to hate me! I think they felt sorry for Dylan at first, because it's quite clear that he's being bullied into doing this by Mason.

"At first, Dylan was just happy that it wasn't him being bullied for once. But I think the viewers are going to become more disappointed in him."

liam, dylan, mason, coronation street

With Mason the main ringleader, do you think Dylan is still redeemable after the way he's behaved?

"I think so – deep down Dylan is still a good kid. He's a bit like a fish out of water at the moment.

"There's also a lot more coming up for Dylan and you'll see what unfolds after this. He doesn't know where he's going at all and he's quite a scared kid, really."

What can we expect from the scenes where Sean finds out the truth?

"From Dylan's perspective, this moment is the beginning of the end, in a weird way. He's about to be caught out for everything that he's done.

"Even Dylan is only just starting to realise how far he's taken it. There's a scene where Dylan is having breakfast and he acknowledges how far this has gone, especially now that his dad has found out. He really is out of his depth."

What was it like to film the scenes?

"They were amazing scenes to film. It was great to work with Antony [Cotton, who plays Sean] as we get on so well anyway.

"The scenes were also a learning curve. Being on set with Antony and having chats with him, I learn a lot. I can't wait to see the scenes myself."

We know that there's a second chapter of the story to come, with a lot more focus on Dylan. Are you excited for what's next?

"Yeah, it's amazing. I don't know exactly what's coming up, which is even better because you can play it more realistically.

"At the moment people may feel like the story is coming to an end, but it's going to pick up again after this and I'm definitely not complaining about that at all!"

mason, dylan wilson, liam, coronation street

Did you always know there'd be a second chapter to the storyline?

"No, not at all. It was in December that I had a meeting with [Coronation Street producer] Iain MacLeod and we spoke about where we were going to go with this afterwards.

"It's nice that it carries on. It's going to be gritty and something for me to get my teeth into."

What's the dynamic like off screen between you, Luca and Charlie Wrenshall, who plays Liam?

"The dynamic between the three of us is extraordinary. I met Luca in early July last year and we were filming three weeks later. Because we were with each other so much for about a month and a half, we just clicked and got on – all three of us. That's why the dynamic looks so good on screen, because we know how each other works.

"Having a relationship like that between three young actors is quite rare. To work with each other so frequently and to have such a good relationship is brilliant. I love working with both of them."

We know that Dylan's mum Violet is coming back. How was it to work with Jenny Platt again?

"I love her to bits – she's so good. We said the other day that it was 13 years since we worked together in London – and I was a baby then so I don't remember a thing!

"It was Jenny's first day back on set two weeks ago. She talking to Antony in the corridor so I went over and said: 'Hello stranger!' She went: 'Oh, I knew you were going to be taller than me!' (Laughs.)

"It's like we've never been away from each other, 13 years has flown and it's like I've always known her."

Antony has expressed hopes that Jenny might return again beyond this do you feel the same way?

"Absolutely. They've written it very well, because Violet hasn't been waved away forever. There's always going to be the possibility of her coming back, so me and Antony have the same opinion on that!"

sean tully, dylan wilson and violet wilson in coronation street

How was it to come back into Corrie in 2020 after previously portraying Dylan when he was a young child in 2011 and 2012?

"I didn't see it coming at all. I'd just done six episodes of Last Tango in Halifax, which was great. I did a lot of learning on there.

"After I finished that role, Antony got in touch. He said: 'I think they're going to bring Dylan back'.

"Instantly I was like: 'Yeah, okay – we'll see about that!' But within 12 months, I was back on set. It was something that happened quite quickly.

"They brought me in on the day before I started filming, just so that I could have a look around. Antony was the first person I saw – bearing in mind it was about eight years since I'd seen him in person. Bizarre is the only word I can use to explain it, to be honest!"

Has acting always been your focus?

"I was about 13 or 14 when I said that I wanted to do this for good. It wasn't a case of me being in the industry and thinking that I was definitely going to do this for the rest of my life – I don't think I even think that now, to be honest! (Laughs.) But it's nice to have something that you want to do for the rest of your life.

"It was coming off the back of Last Tango when I was like: 'Yeah, I really want to do this.' So that's when I stuck with it – or tried to stick with it!"

Antony suggested you coming back to the role, didn't he?

"I owe Antony a lot. Cast and crew both said that he was my biggest champion. He's been amazing, because he understands what it's like to be a young actor, so he puts the time into explaining things.

"He'll say: 'Okay, this is where you need to be if the camera's coming that way.' He can also turn emotions on really quickly, which as a young actor can be quite hard to do. So I just ask questions and soak up all of the information, or try to!"

You previously shared the role of Dylan with your twin brother Connor. How did you work out who'd secure the role full-time in 2020?

"We both auditioned for the part of Dylan in 2020. It was only us two that auditioned for it. Connor was really good, so I'm not taking anything away from him at all.

"They couldn't decide here at Corrie who would be cast, so they sent it to an external casting agency in London. They literally went off my CV, based on the fact that I'd just come off Last Tango.

"That was hard to take for Connor, because he was very good. But we've both agreed in the past, and we've said publicly in the press, that it's led to another opportunity for him. Acting wasn't his thing in the end and it's opened another door for him."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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