Factbox-Alberta oil and gas producers restart operations as wildfires rage

Smoke rises from the Paskwa Wildfire (HLW030) as it burns near the Wood Buffalo National Park boundary

(Reuters) - A number of oil and gas companies in Canada's main crude-producing province Alberta restarted shuttered production after wildfires forced them to temporarily curtail output.

The companies had shut in at least 319,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), or 3.7% of national production after Alberta declared a provincial state of emergency due to the wildfires.

Following are the companies that have restored some or all their production:

Vermilion Energy Inc

Vermilion said it has restored about 60% of the 30,000 boepd of production that was temporarily shut-in.

As a result of production being offline, the Canadian energy producer expects second-quarter production to average 80,000 boepd to 83,000 boepd, compared with a previous forecast of 84,000 boepd to 86,000 boepd.

Pembina Pipeline Corp

The Canadian energy transportation company said that all of its facilities which had shut down have resumed operations and the company hasn't seen any damages.

Its Saturn I and II gas plants with a combined processing capacity of 443 million cubic feet per day were shut down.

Crescent Point Energy Corp

The company said it had restored about 85% of production that got affected due to the wildfires.

It had earlier said about 45,000 boepd of production in the Kaybob Duvernay region was temporarily shut in.

TC Energy Corp

The company said it has restarted all compressor units that were shut down due to wildfire precautions.

Tourmaline Oil Corp

The company said seven of its nine facilities, which were shut-in due to the wildfires, have started operation.

Peyto Exploration & Development Corp

The oil and gas producer said its second-quarter production would see a reduction between 1,000 boepd and 2,000 boepd.

It had earlier shut down two plants in the Brazeau area as a precautionary measure, but major infrastructure was not damaged by the wildfire.

(Reporting by Arunima Kumar, Sourasis Bose and Brijesh Patel in Bengaluru and Scott DiSavino in New York; Editing by David Gregorio and Shounak Dasgupta)