Factbox: Who is Britain's new interior minister, Sajid Javid?

Sajid Javid stands outside the Home Office after being named as Britain's Home Secretary, in London, April 30, 2018. REUTERS/Toby Melville

LONDON (Reuters) - Sajid Javid was appointed as Britain's interior minister on Monday after Amber Rudd resigned over her handling of immigration policy.

Here are some facts about the new, 48-year-old Home Secretary:

* Javid campaigned to remain in the European Union during the 2016 referendum, even though a few months before the vote he said his "heart" was for Brexit. After the result, he said: "We're all Brexiteers now."

* He was the first member of Britain's South Asian minority to be given a full-time post in the cabinet when he was appointed culture minister in 2014. His father moved to Britain from Pakistan and worked as a bus driver in Bristol.

* Before starting his career in politics, Javid worked for Chase Manhattan Bank and for Deutsche Bank, helping to build its business in emerging markets.

* Javid cites the late Conservative prime minister Margaret Thatcher as his political inspiration, and has often hung a portrait of her in his ministerial office.

* In 2016, Javid supported the former work and pensions minister Stephen Crabb as a candidate to replace then-prime minister David Cameron as leader of the Conservative Party in return for a promise to be appointed finance minister. Crabb's bid ultimately foundered when he failed to secure enough votes.

(Reporting By Andrew MacAskill; editing by Guy Faulconbridge and Kevin Liffey)